From Lifeway Research:
With the expansion of AI, the over-reliance on technology can impact every way we communicate, including the Sunday morning sermon.
By Aaron Earls
In preparing for a typical week’s sermon at his church, Griffin Gulledge turned to an atypical source: artificial intelligence.
Using his normal means of research, the pastor of Madison Baptist Church in Madison, Georgia, had trouble narrowing down the ways the 12 apostles died. So he opened ChatGPT and asked the artificial intelligence (AI) application. “By seeing the ChatGPT answers, I was able to return to my own resources, knowing what to specifically look for to verify its answer,” said Gulledge.
Beyond using artificial intelligence as another possible research or organizational tool, some have championed AI as the future of the faith. Pastors and church leaders should be aware of its potential uses within their churches while remaining diligent toward the ways in which AI can undermine the message being communicated and change us without us even being aware. More Here
Dewey Moede: I am just old fashion…..I always call on the God and the Holy Spirit to lead me in putting together a sermon. I take my study bible and pray, then God gives me the message. AND! God may change it up even while I am preaching! One time in Chimayo, NM at the Lighthouse Church, I was starting my sermon and God said NO! So I went by the words He was giving me at the moment! I am not boasting in this when I say I am a ‘Holy Spirit Preacher,’ I am not a A-I powered preacher, or a man driven preacher! I am powered be the Holly Spirit! I BOAST IN MY LORD! Enough of all the technology! MY GOODNESS! I do not find A-1 preaching in the BIBLE! I GO WITH GOD! TOO MUCH JUNK GETTING INTO MANY CHURCHES! No wonder so many have left the Church in America!
If your not driven by the Holy Spirit, what are you driven by? MAN? AI? EGO?
Remember EGO stands for Edging God Out!
Here is what ‘Got Questions; states about boasting: True boasting in the Lord is actually boasting of the Lord—boasting of His great attributes, boasting of what He has done for us, of what He is still doing and of what He has promised to do. As Jeremiah 9:23-24 says, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight,’ declares the LORD.” More Here