Lifeway Research:

Most American Protestant churchgoers accept the prosperity gospel belief that God wants them to prosper financially.

By Marissa Postell Sullivan

Financial prosperity is a goal for many Americans, and most believe it’s God’s plan for them too but that they need to give a little more to ensure that blessing.

According to a study from Lifeway Research, 52% of American Protestant churchgoers say their church teaches God will bless them if they give more money to their church and charities, with 24% strongly agreeing.

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I boast in my LORD! NOT MYSELF! It was prophesied over me years ago that I was going to be a watchman on the wall! I am but a simple man of God. I take my calling very serious. It is why I awake everyday.

I for one, will not rest until this evil stops! I will do my best to inform people across the globe that this is all from Satan. I will preach about this and report about this. I will do my best to inform parents and children of this extreme evil! You should also! I will not rest until abortion ends! What are we doing here on earth????? We are not here for ourselves! We are not to fill up our ego or pocketbooks!  We are not to build our own kingdom! We are to serve GOD ALMIGHTY! I am just one, but I have GOD in my heart and soul!

My goodness folks! The Church is so very divided. The Church in America is fighting hell with a garden hose, if it would come together for JESUS it would fight the fire from the devil with the most powerful fire hose ever! Why do we have little kingdoms all over here in Albuquerque and all over America? Why do we have denominations? God did not invent denominations, they are manmade. You should know by now what happens when man invents a religion. There are no Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Church of God, Assemblies of God in heaven….. No labels in heaven!

Come together Church! We have much work to do. We need to fight abortion, sex trafficking and other sins against God’s children together! We are not operating very smartly.

No what??

This news:

Prosperity Gospel Beliefs on the Rise Among Churchgoers

The faith-based film about a former Homeland Security agent who embarks on a journey to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers is closing out the summer passing $175 million in box office ticket sales.

“Sound of Freedom” is the surprise hit of the summer recently beating out bigger-budget films.

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The FBI located 200 sex trafficking victims as part of its Operation Cross Country campaign last month. The nationwide effort, which lasted two weeks, resulted in the arrests or identification of 126 suspects of child sexual exploitation and human trafficking offenses. The FBI stated that an additional 68 individuals suspected of trafficking were identified or arrested earlier this month while 59 minor victims of sex trafficking or sexual exploitation were located. Full Story.

What has happened America? What has happened to the influence of the Church in America? Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview which results are hell on earth. Why did God create the Church? By establishing the Church, the Lord ensures that the correct doctrines are taught. The Church provides members with revelations, standards, and guidelines that help us live as Christ would have us live. The Church helps us because our Heavenly Father knew these were troubled times. Many Pastors have drifted away from God’s Word. Just 37% of Pastors in America have a Biblical Worldview. We also are no longer the America of our FOUNDING FATHERS. Seven men are the principle Founding Fathers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. While there were many others who contributed to the founding of the United States, these seven are considered by most as the Founding Fathers. America’s Founding Documents

The Sound of Freedom Movie has raised the awareness of this evil in America. It is going to take all of us to tackle this Satanic business. Human trafficking is among the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprises and is estimated to be a $150 billion-a-year global industry. It is a form of modern day slavery that profits from the exploitation of our most vulnerable populations.

Fox New Reports:

Tim Tebow has taken up a new fight away from the gridiron, one that is more impactful than running a ball in between the tackles or trying to throw a dime to a receiver 25 yards away.

The former Florida Gators star quarterback is going head-to-head against human trafficking. More Here

DALLAS, Texas (BP) — It was broad daylight, but Sarah Taylor knew if the stranger managed to pull her into the car, she would likely die.

She fought.

“He had his hand locked in my chest and I thought he had stabbed me; that’s how bad the pain was. He began to yank my hair. He took my head and started shoving me into the back of his car with all of his power,” she said.

Comforted by Jesus, Would-Be Human Trafficking Victim Tells Story

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