Politics is evil. Both the Dems and GOP are destroying America, they are very corrupt. It stinks to high heaven, as we said in the day. The two party system has been broken for years, I have said that till I am blue on the face! I will always give my commentary on the political situation in America, which is dire, I am an independent. I am a man of God, not a man of politics. Years ago I was encouraged by some to run for state office here in New Mexico. God said NO! Politics is a cess pool. America needs to clean house. I repeat, the two party system is beyond hope, way too much dirty politics has resulted in a divided America. President Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided.”
Hosea 4:6: My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.
So many Americans lack knowledge, the dumbing down of our country has been going on for years.
Only 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. Barna Research.
Will America come together as one here in 2023? 2024? Only if America repents and comes to God.
My sermon a yesterday at Cross Christian Fellowship Rt 66, touched on the divided Church in America. The Church is in the ER! So much division. Church attendance is dropping, denominations are splitting and losing membership. EXAMPLE HERE: UMC conference can’t stop church from pursuing disaffiliation, judge rules. More Here: Southern Baptists lost nearly half a million members in 2022. I told the folks yesterday that when we are out sharing Jesus, carrying out the Great Commission, we hear hear from many, “The church is not being effective in solving our problems.”
Late yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from a man from El Paseo, Texas. He had watched my message on the internet. He stated to me, that he and his wife were sadden by the division in the Church. They are having a problem finding a Church that is filled with the HOLY SPIRIT! Simply put, a Spirit-filled church is centered on the Word of the risen Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth who guides the people of God into all truth (John 16:13). He bears witness about Jesus (15:25). We are sanctified in the truth, and God’s Word is truth (17:17). Sadly, in America now, just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview.
America is a stinking mess.
I said yesterday, what would happen if the three major Churches in Albuquerque would come together on Sunday mornings and hit the streets of the city and spread the love of JESUS to all, building bridges of love and trust. That would be around 30,000 people of God on the streets! Then all other Churches could join the effort! It is called THE GREAT COMMISSION, which is a command from JESUS, not a suggestion.
Many Churches here in New Mexico and all over America are not baptizing people on a regular basis. I here reports from Pastors and Deacons on this. Some here, have not baptized any one in 6 years! Years ago my mentor Pastor Don Kimbro told me, The Church is not baptizing enough people and growing up mature Christians.” We are paying a deep price for the lack of baptisims and GROWING UP MATURE CHRISTIANS! I beleive this is why many women have stepped up in the Church to fill in for where the men that are failing God.
Pastor Ray Franks, who is now with the Lord, told be 11 years ago when God was pulling me out of radio into FGGAM, “Don’t start a Church, there is one on every street corner in Albuquerque and many are struggling to fill the seats.” TRUTH! Why cannot the Churches of America unite?????? WHY WALLS??? WHY LITTLE KINGDOMS????
A Church on every street corner, but yet, the city has gone to hell. It is beyond time that every Pastor look into the mirror. What do you stand for?
God did not in invent denominations, man did!
The Church in America is fighting this Spiritual Warfare with a squirt gun, if it only would unite, and give up their own kingdom, and come together, the Church would have the most powerful fire hose ever to fight this fire from hell.
Is there any wonder why I am not a popular man in this world we live in, I do not seek popularity, I seek the face of my LORD every second of the day to make sure I am doing what HE wants me to do!
I am not running for President, SO I CAN TELL YOU THE TRUTH! HA!
So many people are in the running for the GOP nomination. I wonder why the GOP is not promoting South Dakota Governor Kristie Neom?
From The Christian Post:
Ryan Binkley is a Texas pastor who is one of several candidates vying for the Republican nomination for president.
While he lacks the name identification of other GOP candidates, he remains optimistic about his ability to make the stage for the first Republican presidential primary debate in August, acknowledging that “it’s going to be difficult.” More Here
We all will have to answer to our LORD:
Got Questions states: The judgment seat of Christ involves a time in the future when believers will give an account of themselves to Christ. This is the plain teaching of Scripture: “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). The warning is to Christians, not unbelievers. As Jesus taught in His parable, the king is going to return, at which time he will require an account from his servants (Luke 19:11–26).
The judgment seat of Christ is different from the Great White Throne Judgment. That will be the final judgment of the wicked prior to their being cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11–15). Appearing before the Great White Throne will be unbelievers. Believers will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. More Here