Pictured above is the children’s choir at Apostle Barbara Gould’s memorial service. They all are part of Barbara’s ministry family. They brought much joy to the service as many gathered to celebrate the life of Barbara yesterday at Church Alive in Rio Rancho. We met many friends there, some we had not see in years.
It has been a hard couple of weeks with by the sudden death of my brother-in-law Paul Rogers who died in a tragic farm accident in Reading, Minnesota. We mourn Paul’s passing and for my sister, who lost her precious husband of almost 40 years. There were over a thousand people at Paul’s viewing, such a precious man. Yesterday, we attended the memorial service for our Dear Sister Apostle Barba Gould. It was such a wonderful, inspiring service. I spoke a bit at the service about Barbara, Sharon and I have a big hole in our hearts now even more. It’s even hard for me to write about her. I am weeping inside. Here are my notes on our hero of faith…….
I challenge us all to be as bold for Jesus as Barbara was……
I met her over 15 years ago at KKIM Christian radio in Albuquerque where I was manager at the time.
I fell in love with her right away.
Very loving, humble, she wanted to share the power of God with New Mexico on radio.
She started a program on KKIM and If I needed a host for a program because the regular host could not be there…Barbara was just a phone call away and would come and fill-in!!!!!!!!!!!
Always ready to serve God and people!
We developed a relationship so strong that when God told me and Sharon to form FGGAM, I asked her to be on the Board of Directors! We celebrate our 11th year next month and Barbara has been and always will be with us.
She helped me and Sharon so much through the years with her encouragement, wisdom and prayers in person, many on the phone! powerful prayers! If you did not get to pray with Sister Barbara over the phone and hear her shout out to God you missed a powerful movement of God!
Starting an independent ministry is tough, Barbara knew that, boy did she! BUT! she persevered and her ministry reached into many countries!
Barbara helped us so much, especially the start up years…..
She was so strong, so godly, so honest, so loving, so wise……A POWERFUL WOMAN of God!
Learn from her life!
I plead with you starting today take what you learn today and go hit the streets for JESUS. Barbara knew no walls, she had her ministry love centers all over the world.
I can hear Barbara saying YES! JESUS!
From November of 20126:
This week on The HUB of New Mexico and FGGAM our Newsmaker of the week is Apostle Barbara Gould of Emmanuel Ministries International which is based in Albuquerque/Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Barbara just returned from a mission trip to Kenya. She shares with us in great detail about her trip and the establishment Love Centers. From New Mexico to Kenya, here we go…..listen in please!