The media is all over this story! It is election time! Biden Denounces Abortion Bans, Warning That Privacy Is Next. It beaks my heart that so many men and women in America are for the killing of God’s babies, BEYOND HEARTBREAK! It is all of our faults that we are at this point. The Church got off the track years ago. The destruction of America started in the 60’s and now it is speeding up. What will America look like in 12 months? What kind of future does your children and grandchildren have? So many in the Church are asleep. Our government is rotten. The politicians play around with the lives of God’s babies.  I do not have many years left on this earth, but I will go down standing in the gap for God’s babies. It really is a shame as to what has happened to many Pastors and so called Christians.

I have more and more friends who refer to America as Sodom and Gomorrah! TRUTH! Many in America do not even know about Sodom and Gomorrah, as they do not beleive in God. Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview! I think many folks do not realize things are going to get a lot worse. There is no going back. I am on the battle field most days, I am tired, but with the help of God and Sharon and Daisy I go on. Too many Christians are in their own little world and do not want to be bothered about leaving their walls.

Yes! I am upset!

President Biden and others think they are above God. They think they will never be on the judgement seat! “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive ” I am so sadden that many Pastors are dead on this issue. They never speak out about it. They will have to answer to God. They will be on the judgement seat: Got Questions states: The judgment seat of Christ involves a time in the future when believers will give an account of themselves to Christ. This is the plain teaching of Scripture: “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). The warning is to Christians, not unbelievers. As Jesus taught in His parable, the king is going to return, at which time he will require an account from his servants (Luke 19:11–26). More Here

Does your Pastor speak up for God’s babies? Do you? Oh My! I pray so! So many Pastors pour out the sugar and leave the salt in the kitchen.

There is a ton of money spent by people in this country for the ways of Satan.

A year after the end of Roe v. Wade, how much has really changed?

Savage Wolves

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