Almost Six Months In… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Almost Six Months In…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. June is coming to an end, and we will be six months into the new year, 2023 The Year Of The Overflow… It’s time to review.

We have just entered into a new season, a season of change, a season of new beginnings and a season where there is great unrest in our world. Somehow the Word I receive as I sit before my God this morning is this…

Believe in my Word and rest… Signs, wonders and miracles will follow you. 

I like to pray for people; I like to pray for people’s needs and I pray that God would trust me with much. I must admit I don’t always understand God’s timing. God’s ways are so much higher than our ways. His thoughts are so much higher than ours. One thing for sure that I know because I know, because I know, that God is in love with each of us. We were all created in his image. When I look at my children, I see characteristics of me in each of them. I love them no matter what. That’s how God sees each of us. We have a new identity when we become Christians. The blood of Jesus now speaks for us. Our identity is in him and him alone.

Today let’s declare the second half of 2023 and the year of the overflow and receive what God has for us in this last half. This song from my girls cheerleading days comes to mind several times as I write this morning, DYN, It’s dynamite. Have a dynamic second half of the year God’s most beautiful people. Operate in the overflow and walk in the signs, wonders and miracles.

Let’s Pray:

Father, we declare from the Crown of Maine to seven continents of the world, it’s a year of the overflow. Father thank you for favor, for open doors and for blessing the works of our hands. Father, show us your greatness this second half of the year. You have been faithful.

Father, we decree the second half of 2023 we will walk in power, and signs, wonders, and miracles will follow us all the days the days remaining in this year. We declare and decree it’s going to be a dynamic year. DYN it’s dynamite. Amen.

Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. Zechariah 4:6




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