Things are really changing fast in my home state……..I went to Brown in Minneapolis for radio/Tv in 1978. I started at the Minnesota State News network in 1978 as a weekend news producer. I grew up in Windom, Minnesota. When I tell stories of me growing up in Windom, many of my friends tell me I lived in ‘Andy of Meyberry.’ I was so blessed to grow up in Windom. With all the changes going on in Minnesota, reported to me by from friends back home, I do not think I would recognize it any longer. As I get older, things are changing so very fast for me. Christianity is losing its influence in America.

Minneapolis on Thursday became the first major American city to permit unfettered broadcast of the Muslim call to prayer, allowing the adhan to be heard over speakers five times a day, year-round. Mpls Star/Tribune Reports:

Oh America…….what are you going to do? Continue to turn your back on GOD? Oh America, Just 4% of you have a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of your Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. You kill God’s babies, you kill God’s children through so many evil ways. You ask what is a Biblical Worldview? From Barna research: For the purposes of the research, a biblical worldview was defined as believing that absolute moral truths exist; that such truth is defined by the Bible; and firm belief in six specific religious views. Those views were that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life; God is the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe and He stills rules it today; salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned; Satan is real; a Christian has a responsibility to share their faith in Christ with other people; and the Bible is accurate in all of its teachings.

Very, very sad state of affairs here in America. We are here at FGGAM comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable. So many Pastors and congregants are preaching the words that fit their lifestyle. We here at FGGAM are fighting the wave against God. The Church here in America loves high school pep rallies. How many baptisims did your Church officiate in 2022? I have reports of Churches that have not had a baptism in eight years!!! Only two in five years, not one in 6 years…….This is a meltdown of what the Church in America!!! Failure to carry out The Great Commission . Years ago my hero of faith Pastor Don Kimbro told me that the Church was failing to baptize people and failing to help people grow up to be mature Christians. SO TRUE! SEE THE RESULTS????

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