Trailer: ‘Big George Foreman’ film highlights boxer’s ‘miraculous’ journey to the ministry

Fueled by an impoverished childhood, Foreman channeled his anger into becoming an Olympic Gold medalist and World Heavyweight Champion, followed by a near-death experience that took him from the boxing ring to the pulpit


OH! WOW WEE! I want to see this movie! PTL!!!

Thank you to The Christian Post for this outstanding news!

The trailer for the upcoming movie “Big George Foreman” has launched, highlighting the famed boxer’s journey from heavyweight champion to pastor and then heavyweight champion again.

Releasing April 28, “Big George Foreman: The Miraculous Story of the Once and Future Heavyweight Champion of the World” stars Forest Whitaker, Khris Davis and Sullivan Jones. It’s directed by George Tillman Jr. from a story by Dan Gordon, Frank Baldwin and Tillman Jr., with a screenplay by Baldwin Tillman Jr. Story Here

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