From The Baptist Press:

Churches have the opportunity to appeal the decision at the 2023 SBC Annual Meeting in New Orleans on June 13 and 14.

Saddleback Founding Pastor Rick Warren chose not to respond to Baptist Press, but did respond publicly on Facebook.

Warren’s Feb. 22 post said:

Friends worldwide:

I’m so touched by your love! Kay & I love you back!

We’ll respond to the #SBC in OUR time & way thru direct channels:

Our newsletters to 600,000 ch leaders

Daily Hope radio broadcast

1 million PDC alumni pastors list

11 million social media followers

Luke 23:43

Complete Report By The Baptist Press Here

From Feb. 22nd:

Dale Chamberlian of CHURCHLEADERS has the story:

Saddleback Church, the largest church in the Southern Baptist Convention, has been ruled to no longer be “in friendly cooperation” with the denomination because of its decision to ordain women to the title of pastor, most notable among them Stacie Wood, the wife of the church’s new lead pastor, Andy Wood.

Wood took over for Rick Warren, who founded the church four decades ago, in Sept. 2022. When Wood assumed the role of lead pastor at Saddleback, whose flagship campus is in Lake Forest, California. More Here

The Baptist Press is also reporting on this news Here

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