AWAKE CHRISTIANS! The Destruction Continues! Sean Feucht Calls on Christian Artists To Speak Out Against ‘Demonic’ Performance at the Grammys

Prestonwood Baptist pastor Jack Graham warned: “Our culture has put the worship of Satan front and center as entertainment as recently as Sunday night. We must not open the door to these demonic influences. This is a slippery slope.” Satan is in every community in America.


Tragically, only 6% of America has a Biblical Worldview, and just 37% of American Pastors have a Biblical Worldview! The results is chaos.

Nothing surprises me anymore in this ungodly America. Christians must be out in the streets reaching the lost. We all are called as Christians to reach the lost, to build bridges of love and trust. Less that 50% of Americans belong to a Church! We all need to carry out The Great Commission. Do not be bashful about JESUS! Many Americans have been blinded by Satan. We are handing down to our children a mess. America will being even more Satanic in 6 months or less. I met a wonderful mother this week at the grocery store who had her baby son in the grocery cart. I talked to this little tike and he smiled so much at me and held his hand out to me, I held it. The innocence of a baby. I wonder what he will face growing up. Of course, in America many babies will never live, because they will be killed though abortion. It is so very tragic when the President of the United States makes it very clear he is for killing God’s babies. What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.

What are you going to do today to reach the lost in your community? How much time do you spend on social media everyday? Please devote more and more time to telling others about JESUS, even in the grocery store, post office, your work place, in your neighborhood, the park, all over! JESUS! JESUS! Do not be bashful about JESUS!

Equip The Saints Pastor! Lead them to evangelize in your community!

The overall mission for every Christian leader is “to equip the saints for the work of ministry.” Saints are equipped as they are exposed to work. All teaching and training must lead to putting it into practice. Doing is a very important aspect and way of learning. Improvement can only be in the act, for “practice”, it is said, “makes perfect”

What are you going to do today to BUILD UP THE KINGDOM OF GOD?

From Jesse T. Jackson in CHURCHLEADERS: On Sunday (Feb. 6), Sam Smith and Kim Petras performed their song “Unholy” at the 65th Grammy Awards, a display that has been labeled “satanic” by a number of Christian leaders.

Smith came out as gay in 2014, changed to genderqueer in 2017, and came out as non-binary in 2019. Smith collected a fifth Grammy Award alongside Petras for their song “Unholy” Sunday night, making Petras the first transgender woman to ever receive a Grammy. More Here


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