Santa Fe District Attorney Formally Charges Alec Baldwin With Involuntary Manslaughter

Actor and Producer Alec Baldwin has been formally charged with Involuntary Manslaughter (a fourth degree felony), for alleged criminal negligence resulting in the death of Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the filming of the movie "Rust" on October 21, 2021.


Multiple news agencies are reporting that actor and producer Alec Baldwin and armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed were formally charged today by Santa Fe County District Attorney, Mary Carmack Altwies, with Involuntary Manslaughter.  The charges resulted from the fatal shooting on the set of the movie “Rust” on October 21, 2021.

Mr. Baldwin allegedly pointed and fired a revolver during practice for a movie scene, killing Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injuring Director Joel Souza.  An alternative charge put forth by the Santa Fe District Attorney includes a firearm enhancement that would mandate five years of imprisonment, if this charge were upheld in court.

The Probable Cause Statement in this matter states that “no less than a dozen acts, or omissions of recklessness, occurred in the short time prior to lunch and the time of the shooting, and this does not include the reckless handling of the firearm by Baldwin.”

KRQE News 13, Albuquerque, is following this story, which may be viewed HERE.

Fox News reporting on this story may be viewed HERE.

CBS News reporting on this story may be viewed HERE.

REUTERS reporting on this story may be viewed HERE.

My brothers and sisters, there are no winners or losers in this situation.  One has died; one is wounded; and multiple persons and families have had their lives and livelihoods turned upside down.

It appears here, as in so many tragedies, that no one single error resulted in the death of Halyna Hutchins, but rather, a whole series of errors, which if any one of them had not occurred, there would likely have been a different outcome.  This is why integrity – doing what’s right or expected of us even when nobody is looking – is so very important.

Let’s pray for God’s mercy upon all involved and that the truth of the situation would be revealed – not so that retribution would prevail, but so this sort of event would not be repeated again.  Lord have mercy!

Psalm 85:9-11 (NKJV)

“Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, [t]hat glory may dwell in our land.  Mercy and truth have met together; [r]ighteousness and peace have kissed.  Truth shall spring out of the earth, [a]nd righteousness shall look down from heaven.

Proverbs 28:13 (NKJV)

“He who covers his sins will not prosper, [b]ut whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.”

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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