I would not give you a ‘plug nickel’ for either of these two guys. You can tell I am an old man by the phrase I am using: plug nickel. I am too old to put up with the evil of these two. I just call it the way I say it. A plug nickel or plugged nickel is a nickel (now a five-cent coin, but originally a one-cent coin and later a three-cent coin) where the “plug” (center disc) has been removed, thus decreasing the metal value of the coin.

Thank you CBN for this report!

Two investigations over one major issue: presidents and their handling of classified documents.

The discovery of such records at President Joe Biden’s home and former office, as well as the home of former President Donald Trump, raises a number of questions ranging from whether the overall management of sensitive material is flawed to whether these are instances of user error.

National Security Experts Question Failure by Two Presidents to Correctly Handle Classified Documents

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