How to Know if Your Child is Depressed or Suicidal

A very, very timely message from John Thurman……..
I am referring more people to John as I get calls for help. Sadly many do not follow though and make that call. The man if full of godly wisdom. John is from New Mexico. We are blessed to have him in our state, but he has a worldwide ministry. John is now with Focus on the Family! God Bless you Sir!

Thank you for this message John, sadly I have officiated the funerals of more and more suicide victims over the last 3 years.


John Thurman is a licensed Mental Health Professional, Speaker, Author, and Podcaster helping people become resilient in their personal lives, relationships, business endeavors and in their faith. Reach John Here

Having child who is depressed or suicidal is the frightening reality of too many parents today. However, there is hope in Christ, and preventive steps you can take to help a child you care about. More Here

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