TIME TO SUSPEND THE PROGRAM! NM State Basketball Coaches Held Onto Gun Used By Player In Self-Defense Killing


This report from KOAT TV is very disturbing: A detective sped down Interstate 25 with lights and siren on and pulled over the bus as it was headed back to Las Cruces with evidence on board. Is this what NM State Basketball program models for students? Run from the law? NM State and UNM our taxpayer supported. I sure would suspend the NM State basketball program immediately! This is outrageous! Thugs and guns results in people getting killed. This whole situation has been mishandled by the NM State Basketball coach, he needs to be fired. Where are the role models? Gun violence is a horrific problem in America, we are losing innocent people everyday. America is a very sick country. JESUS is needed. This misbehavior is not acceptable, many need to be taken to the wood shed!

NMSU coaches held onto gun used by player in self-defense killing

NMSU-UNM shooting: Report raises questions over coaches, players’ involvement as school launches probe

NMSU suspends 3 more players following UNM shooting

Legal expert examines surveillance video showing fatal student shooting


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