Minnesota Christmas Miracle! Missing 90-Year-Old Woman Found Thanks To Heroic State Trooper


Stories like this warm my heart so much! Police, Fire, EMS, Military, Doctors, Nurses…..are all my heroes. They dedicate themselves to saving lives. I weep at stories like this, as it shows me the love of JESUS and encourages me to love and care more for people. Many, many years ago a little boy was lost near my hometown of Windom, Minnesota. The little guy had walked away from his house located on a farm about 8 miles out of town. My dad, Wally Moede, served on the volunteer fire department. Dad and other fireman, law enforcement, and volunteers searched and searched the area. Thankfully dad came out of a cornfield holding the little tike after about an hour or a bit more. The little guy was safe and sound! We still have so many heroes in America, everyday heroes are saving the lives of people. Think about it.

I was just sharing with my dear friend back home in Windom, Mike Fisher, stories of the past about the Windom Fire Department and also about my time as a volunteer fireman in Osceola, Indiana in the early 80’s. I shared with Mike how my fellow firefighter Scott Eash saved my life. We were fighting a house fire and I had the lead hose in the living room and the floor gave way, and Scott grabbed me by the arms and pulled me away before I could fall into a water filled basement. I still play that back in my mind often, how close I came to death. So thankful my hose buddy Scott, had my back. Very thankful my Lord was right with me! My grandpa Chris Moede and my dad Wally served Windom well as fireman.

From the American Association of State Troopers:

A 90-year-old Detroit Lakes woman with dementia was found by a state trooper near the Detroit Lake shoreline on North Shore Drive nearly four hours after leaving her memory care unit on Dec. 7.

DETROIT LAKES — A missing, vulnerable Detroit Lakes woman was found near the Detroit Lake shoreline by an intuitive state trooper nearly four hours after she first went missing from her Ecumen memory care unit on Wednesday, Dec. 7.

At 3:59 p.m., Becker County emergency dispatchers relayed the call of a missing, vulnerable 90-year-old Detroit Lakes woman to any available units in the area and, within minutes, emergency responders, officers, sheriff’s deputies, troopers and other public service staff all mustered in the nearby Detroit Lakes High School parking lot to begin their search pattern, said Detroit Lakes Police Chief Steve Todd. More Here


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