It’s All In The Books… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


It’s All In The Books…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Last evening my sister came by to bring her donation to a ministry I am involved in, and I gave her my donation for a ministry she is involved in. We began to talk about things like sisters do. As a child one year at a kid’s program at church, I received an eraser. I felt embarrassed to hold up the eraser for the group photo. Although we were a poor family, somehow my family got a gift for the Christmas celebration. It seemed everyone got a nice gift and I, well I received my eraser. We laughed about it last evening, but I can tell you it didn’t seem like a laughing matter back then. I felt like I didn’t deserve a gift.

I reflect back this morning once again. God must have known I would need that eraser in my life. He was preparing me for my future. Maybe it was prophetic, maybe it wasn’t. One year as a child, I received a broken typewriter. It was one of the donated items my family had received. I never forgot that either. Who would give a child a broken typewriter? I still ponder that in my mind today. Maybe it was prophetic, maybe it wasn’t. Was God preparing me for my future?

Life is a journey, and I am thankful that God can take our pasts and give us a new beginning. Yesterday is gone and today, well good morning, it’s a new day.

I am thankful that God can re-write any story.  I am thankful that he holds the keys to all our destinies and not one key is missing. I am thankful that he taught us that every life is wanted and that every life is a gift from him. No one is a mistake, rich or poor.

When we know the worth in people, how valuable people are to God, we can treat everyone well. We are all created in the image of a great God.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that there is nothing you won’t do for your people. Father, thank you that you love people, and you were the greatest example of that love.

Father, thank you for the gift you placed inside of each and every person. May they discover their gift and use it to make the world a better place. Every person is on your list. You desire to walk with everyone.

Father, thank you for forgiving our sins, erasing them from the books as if they never happened and you, oh God, bury them in the depths of the ocean. (Micah 7:19)

Father, may today be a day of new beginnings as we walk with you, Jesus style.

Have a blessed Sunday God’s most beautiful people. Have a talk with your Heavenly Father today. Make sure your name is written in the book of life.

The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. Revelation 3:5



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