New Mexico Ranks Last (Again) In Reading and Mathematics


According to KOB 4, the newly-released report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress shows that only 30% of US students are proficient in reading and mathematics.  The KOB article may be viewed HERE.

New Mexico test results show that only 21% of 4th graders and 18% of 8th graders are proficient at reading, and only 19% and 13% of 4th and 8th graders, respectively, are proficient in mathematics.

As usual, New Mexico ranks 50th out of 50 states in all categories.

The governor’s response focused on throwing more money at the problem and new educational programs; however, New Mexico’s ratings represented no significant change compared to the last assessment in 2019.

I may have a few decades under my belt, but I still believe that the priorities in school should not be focused on social experimentation and cultural division, but on reading, writing, mathematics, science and healthy or brain-sharpening activities including, but not limited to, physical education, sports, shop/trades, music and drama.

Lord Jesus, bless us with fresh, faith-filled persons in our education system!  And to those friends already fighting the good fight, may God continue to bring you wisdom, strength and favor! New Mexico needs you desperately.


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