A Keeper Of My Pumpkins Heart… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


A Keeper Of My Pumpkins Heart…

Good morning beautiful people. I recently have been sorting through some boxes from my move. I have been living here for over ten months now and I am not unpacked. This morning as I was sorting once again, I remembered some tricks my friend taught me. One pile called keep, one pile called donate, one pile called throw away.

This morning I look at my keeper’s pile. It’s all papers from my children and grandchildren. This particular paper must have been to celebrate my birthday. It looks like a cake, 4 candles with hearts and a toothpick with the words i love you g. Everything else in the box didn’t seem to matter.

It reminds me of my writing, Thanks For the Beautiful Pumpkins, Angel’s Prayer Of The Day. Thanks For The Beautiful Pumpkins… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day –

I am thankful that God is the keeper of every heart. I like to help women heal that have been devastated after an abortion, loss of a child, or miscarriage. Sometimes that devastation doesn’t come for years down the road, but it certainly does come, and sometimes it comes with a vengeance.

I know today he holds the heart of every person. The question really is, do we hold his heart? I am thankful he is the best Father. He is a forgiving Father, and I can’t wait for you to read my next book Blueberry Pancakes and Forgiveness. He is quick to forgive, and he heals every wound you may have.

My latest book Secret Shame is due to be released November 29th, 2022 and my prayer is that it will bring women to the healing waters of Jesus Christ. It’s my story of overcoming several life challenges and a short Bible Study on the end for post abortive women.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for all the pumpkins. Your Word tells us you created our inmost being; you knit us together in our mother’s womb. We will praise you because we are fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, we know that full well. Our frame was not hidden from you when we was made in the secret place, when we was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw our unformed body; all the days ordained for us  were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13-16)

Father, every life is wanted. No life is ever a mistake and you always have a plan for every one. It is a good plan a beautiful plan.

Father, thank you for healing women across this globe that have suffered the trauma of an abortion(s), miscarriages or loss of a child. You love them and are waiting to make them whole again. You fill the human heart and heal the soul like no other can.

Father, thank you for bringing them to the healing waters of Jesus Christ, we pray. Your Word tells us you bind up the broken hearted and set the captives free. (Isaiah 61) Heal every wound in their soul, we pray.

Father, we give you praise for life today. May we never take it for granted. Thank you for all the pumpkins. May the harvest of pumpkins (blessings) light up our world every day.

Father, thank you for being the keeper of my pumpkins heart. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Enjoy the abundant life of John 10:10 and continue to pray for the pumpkins (unborn).

Whom the son sets free is free indeed. John 8:36




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