Worshiping God in Our Daily Lives


What does worshiping God look like in our daily life? How can we worship the Lord with our life?

Because we often limit worship to church services.

We went to worship this morning. Join us Sunday for worship.

Or worship becomes about music intended to lead us into God’s presence. These are both good, good things.

Gathering with the family of God for corporate worship is biblical and powerful. And anointed music that speaks directly to our hearts, carrying us before God’s throne room in awe? It helps our soul and points us to the Holy One.

But do we realize the Almighty is worthy of our daily worship?

Are we faithful to give Him praise and thanksgiving every day, not just on Sundays and special holidays?

Do we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice, an act of spiritual worship? (Romans 12:1).

Because it’s easy to allow the world and the enemy to distract us from worship in our daily lives. Instead, our hearts worship our desires and ways, and what the world has to offer.

We may give our life as worship to people, things, self-worship, fame or fortune.

So let’s look at some ways to worship God in daily life.

Worshiping God: the Creator

All of creation shows us how to worship the Creator. It’s simply recognizing the beauty surrounding us.

Every time we gaze at a sunset, see a glimmer of light shining through the window, stand in awe at the twinkling of stars or the ebb and flow of the ocean, and admire the autumn foliage, let it remind us, all of creation worships our glorious God.

Worship the Creator, not His created beings.

Worship Through Holiness

“Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.” Psalm 24:3-4 (ESV)

The imagery here both makes my soul leap and causes me to pause. David knew what it meant to stand in God’s presence. And he knew how sin separated him from God.

The Lord created our souls to desire the ascent up His hill and to stand in His holy place. But it requires we submit to the Lord’s holiness in our lives and allow Him to cleanse us from sin.

Clean hands and a pure heart is surrendering to God’s Word and asking Him to cleanse us from sin. This is worship. This is worshiping God with our life.

Worship the Lord’s holiness and offer Him thanksgiving and praise for making us holy.

Worshiping God by Seeking Him

“He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah” Psalm 24:5-6 (ESV)

The Bible encourages us to seek the Lord’s kingdom and righteousness in Matthew 6:33. To pray, seek God’s face, and turn from wicked ways for forgiveness of sin and healing of our land here on earth in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

And Hebrews 11:6 tells us God rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

What we seek, we worship. What we worship, we seek.

  • Am I seeking to please people or God? (Galatians 1:10)
  • Do I seek things or seek God’s face about how I spend the resources He gives me?
  • Do I seek my own kingdom or God’s Kingdom in my life?
  • Am I seeking notoriety, position, beauty, knowledge or fortune? Or, am I seeking the God seated on His holy throne, spiritual riches, treasure in heaven and wisdom from above?

Daily Worship

We worship every day with our life.

I listen to worship music Sunday through Saturday. Also, I pray daily offering worship to the Lord for who He is and thanksgiving for what He has done. I strive to make it a daily habit to read the Bible and devotionals.

And I desire to walk in the Spirit, repenting of sin, and seeking God’s face—a spiritual act of worship.

But remember, it’s about the heart and not a checklist. Yes, we will have days we fail to worship God with our lips, heart, and life. But we ask the Lord to help us.

So, you see, worship is not only singing at church, but also a daily surrender to the Lord.

Featured image taken while filming for our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.

Also see, Prayers to Pray from Head to Toe, also on FGGAM.

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