We just don’t state the problems of the world, we state the solution, and that is always JESUS! JESUS!
I pray that more missionaries from South Korea come to America. In June 240 South Korean Christians came to pray for America. They prayed for another ‘Great Wakening” to take place in the U.S. PTL!! The Church in America is not getting the work done for JESUS! So many Churches are struggling for congregant’s, so many are not baptizing folks. Churches are closing at a record pace in the U.S. as less than 50% of Americans are saying they are members of a church. Only 37% of American Pastors have a Biblical Worldview!
America has a JESUS problem!!!! JESUS is the only answer! PTL!!! look at America, it is almost on the verge of Civil War! I am not kidding! Politics has America headed to hell.
I have been sounding the warning bell on this trend for years……going back to my days on KKIM Christian radio. I have written and did radio and Tv programs on this subject for years………..almost 18………It makes me so very sad, I am not sleeping good at night. I see the failure of the Church in America everyday. The failure in my opinion is the the CHURCH is not reaching the lost, it is not building brides of love and trust. I asked one Church leader in Albuquerque, why do not all the Churches get together one Sunday and take to the streets of Albuquerque and reach the lost, building bridges of love and trust? He said, “I think that would frighten people.” Another excuse! I have written and preached about THE GREAT COMMISSION so very much, I sound like a broken record, but many still do not get it! JESUS made it simple for us, He put this command in writing!
Between 1944 and 2011 there was one cultural statistic you could count on: more than 90% of all Americans believed in God. Year after year, decade after decade, from the time of World War II to when President Obama announced the killing of Osama bin Laden, more than 90% of Americans consistently believed in God. Often, this percentage was as high as 98%, even weighing in at 92% in 2011.
It was like cultural wallpaper.
Way too many Churches in America do not carry out The Great Commission, way too many Christians do not know the meaning of The Great Commission. Sometimes I just get blank stares. It is our calling by God here at FGGAM to go and go and go………A healthy Church is constantly baptizing people and raising them up to be mature Christians and increasing Church membership, building an army for God to reach into the community and carry out The Great Commission. My favorite hymn is ‘Onward Christian Soldiers.’
Eric Geiger reports From CHURCHLEADERS:
There are three types of churches when it comes to the Great Commission. Which one are you? After Jesus walked out of the tomb alive and just before He ascended to heaven, Jesus gave His disciples authority to join His mission of reconciling people to God, people of all nations. Jesus commissioned His disciples, sending them out to make disciples. His words have been called the Great Commission:
“All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.