Our Great Commission Trip to Wyoming and Sharon’s Wedding Ring


This lovely young lady really, really touched our heart on our Great Commission trip. Amy Montano of Laramie, Wyoming works at the hotel we stayed at. I have a couple of men that give me money to give to a person that the Lord shows me to. That is ultimate trust. I do not take that trust lightly at all. Anyhow, the Lord showed me to give Amy the one hundred dollar bill that ‘Doc” gave me, WOW!! Amy told me she is getting married in two weeks and all newly weds need a boost right! THEN GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!!!!?????? As we were getting ready to leave, Amy came running out looking for us as she found Sharon’s wedding ring in the room we had stayed in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! We are so very thankful for Amy!!!! We love you Amy! Sharon and I our praying for many blessings for you and her hubby to be!

I will be sharing more about our Great Commission trip in the coming days. We got in at 2:30am today, we are tired. The JESUS car leaked antifreeze and I had to keep stopping and filling the car with antifreeze to get home, BUT! We made it home safe and sound!!! PTL!!!! The workers are few in the American Church. 240 missionaries from South Korea came to America in June to pray for our country and to pray for another Great Awakening! Many Christians here are asleep at the wheel!

From today on Facebook:

I do not like asking for love offerings. People ask me how much do you charge for doing a funeral, a wedding etc….I do not charge for anything. Jesus never would, Anyhow one of our supporters has told me that I do not ask for financial support of FGGAM enough. I had to always ask for funding or other causes when I was in Christian radio, I dislike it so much! For God’s Glory Alone Ministries – FGGAM We just completed an awesome Great Commission trip to Wyoming, a bit of Montana and South Dakota. On the way home the JESUS car lost antifreeze. I had to keep adding antifreeze as we went so the car would not overheat. We got home at 2:30am today, I do not know the cost of repair, but I do know that we have ongoing expenses here at FGGAM. Would you pray about a love offering. I know times are very, very hard. All I can ask is that you pray and that we love you all so very much. LOVE IN JESUS TO YOU ALL! As more than one person has said Sharon and I are missionaries and we also have a multi-media ministry. You can mail a love offering or give on line. Info here: Donation Details

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

Our Great Commission Trip to California

Go Forth and Sow

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