The Best Counselor… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Best Counselor…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I am thankful that this world has access to the greatest counselor in the world. He rejects no one.

Today, you may have been rejected by someone. Someone that should have loved you, but maybe didn’t know how. Maybe your expectations of how you should be loved was a little mixed up. Maybe you thought all those possessions you have stored up was love. Maybe you thought nobody could love you because you weren’t worthy. The list is endless of things we can believe.

There is a God that loves us unconditionally. His love has no strings attached. His love is pure, holy and is a love that is so simple to receive. When we experience his love, it rebuilds the foundation of our beliefs.

Today, let’s declare to ourselves and to the world what God say’s about us. He says he loves us, and he will never leave us nor forsake us. His Word tells us we were enough to die for and he has a great plan for our lives. (I want to walk in that plan, don’t you?)

He tells us we are the apple of his eye, and we are his beloved. He desires us to cast all our cares on him and take his yoke, for it is light and easy. He longs for us to trust him with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. What a friend, what a Father and the best counselor.

Let’s Pray:

Father, we believe we are loved, because your Word says so. Father, we believe we can trust you to lead us step by step as we put our lives in your hands.

Father, thank you for all the gifts you have deposited inside of us. We are rich because of who our Father is, founder of both heaven and earth. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Everything you need is in him.


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