A new high of 29% of Americans say the Bible is a collection of “fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man”


Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is being kicked out of America by many. His Word is even being disregarded by so called Pastors and Christians. Barna research shows only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview and only 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. NO SUPRISE TO ME is to why I am smelling hell from here. God showed me this was coming 18 years ago. I saw this trend speeding up in America. Our team of Pastors would report on this and give their perspective on the unraveling of the America Church on KKIM Christian radio in Albuquerque. One of the best on this was the late, great man of God, Pastor Larry Moss. I have stuck in my mind when Larry, who was a mentor of mine, said on my TV program, “Many seminaries are full of junk, they are not teaching the full gospel.” We are living in that junk today. Pastor Larry would also talk about this on New Mexico News and Views and on his own program on KKIM. I was blessed to be trained up in part by Larry.

It has and still is right before our eyes why the Church and society is failing in America. It plays out everyday. The Church in America has its own ‘rap sheet.’ Crime and sex scandals. I see it everyday on the Christian news websites, its horrible, gut wrenching to see all the crime in the Church. I cannot report on it all, its too much for my soul. So many Christians are showing an unbelieving world just what it wants to see, crazy, misbehaving Christians.

About 6 years ago now when I was going to Windom, Minnesota to hold a revival, I was on plane and sitting beside me was an attorney from Seattle. She was very nice lady, but when she found out I was a pastor she said to me, “So you beleive in that fairy tale book, called the Bible?” We had a very nice discussion, she even asked me what I would say if I was to speak at her grandmothers funeral. She was going to be speaking at her grandmothers funeral in Minnesota. I did not budge in my beleifs and she did not budge much,  she remained in contact with me for a bit by email, but I believe she grew tired of me sharing my faith with her. I always try to show people JESUS in all I do. Trying to build bridges of love and trust. I pray she has come to JESUS.

Perhaps the most significant indicator reflecting what is happening regarding faith and culture surrounds the massive decrease in Americans who believe the Bible is the “literal word of God.” Gallup Poll:  A new high of 29% say the Bible is a collection of “fables, legends history and moral precepts recorded by man” This marks the first time significantly more Americans have viewed the Bible as not divinely inspired than as the literal word of God

Just 20% now believe the Bible is the literal word of God, down from 30% in 2011 and 24% in 2017.

Gallup Poll

Over 240 South Korean Missionaries came to America in June to pray for us. They were praying, and might still be, for a Great Awakening in America. It is so bad here in America, missionaries are now coming here. South Korean Missionaries Arrive in America Praying for another “Great Awakening.” My prayers have been answered, as the America Church as a whole, has turned into an entertainment center, or a kingdom, a kingdom for the pastor and his or her coffee club, preaching to the choir. Walls built, not good. The America Church forgot about THE GREAT COMMISSION. I have said this for years. What is The Great Commission? The lack of baptisims, and raising up mature Christians, has more than caught up with the American Church.  I love ministering to those that do not go to Church, those that do not know JESUS. I do not speak hate to them, I try to show the love of JESUS. Too many pastors on social media speak hate towards groups to individuals that do not line up with their beliefs. How do the expect to bring people to JESUS with hate speech?

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

America, please stop saying, “God Bless America” God has blessed us so much, I cannot express it in words, it is horrible that Americans ask God to bless us when we are so full of sin, so many do not even preach the Ten Commandments anymore, we have basically kicked God out of America. Shame on us, It should be AMERICA! BLESS GOD!!!


Why Your Prayers may Not Be Answered America!

I close with this, My Daddy, Wally Moede, who served as a SGT. in the U.S. Marines in WW II, best Daddy ever, told us kids this, “clean up your own backyard, before you try and clean up someone else’s.

I attempt to clean up my ‘backyard’…..my life everyday. I look at myself in the mirror and do a GOD check! What in my life do I need to clean up Lord?

This post is what we used to call ‘back in the day,’ TOUGH LOVE! I love you so much that I will hold myself and you accountable to JESUS.

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