This Pastor Committed Suicide. But First He Preached These Sermons on Depression


More and more pastors are depressed and leave the pulpit. Many feel they have failed to make a difference for JESUS. They see the Church in America failing. It is so tragic, breaks my heart and makes me weep almost everyday. I had a pastor call me last month saying he was going to resign, then the Lord showed him not to. He was depressed about low attendance at his church. I love this pastor, he is such a man of God! Please pray for all  pastors!


Andrew Stoecklein shocked his congregation and his family when he committed suicide. In the two sermons he preached in the weeks preceding his suicide, Stoecklein spoke to his congregation candidly about depression and anxiety and how to fight it—a subject he was intimately familiar with.

This Pastor Committed Suicide. But First He Preached These Sermons on Depression

Hallelujah! Answered Payer! Hundreds of Korean Intercessors Coming to Pray for America on Anniversary of Historic Billy Graham Crusade

My prayer is answered! I have had pastors tell me that America needs missionaries to come here and show JESUS to us! We are in bad spiritual shape here in America! Only 6% of Americans have a biblical worldview and church attendance continues to decline and our country is going to hell very fast. I am having solid Christians tell me, “We many no longer be the greatest country in the world.” Lots of truth to that! This generation would never have won WW II! FOR MANY REASONS! You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig! Every week ther seems to be mass shootings. The spiritual health of America is on life support! Many of our churches have turned into HOLLYWOOD, HIGH SCHOOL PEP RALLIES! Many have lost their salt! Yes! This is an indictment on the Church in America! I beleive with all my heart that if JESUS comes back today He will turn over tables in many American Churches! Pastor Tony Tice says, “What have we done with Jesus’ church?”

ABORTION!!!!! From the late, great man of God Francis Shaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.”

Many in America do not know how to repent! I believe God is angry, and His wrath is simmering By Pastor Leonard Navarre

Look at what just has been exposed with sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention!!!!!!! HORRIBLE! SBC Executive Committee Releases List of Alleged and Convicted Sex Abusers And when you look at what has happened in Catholic Church over several years with sex abuse.

One of the oldest Catholic dioceses in the United States announced a settlement agreement Tuesday to resolve a bankruptcy case in New Mexico that resulted from a clergy sex abuse scandal.

The tentative deal totals $121.5 million and would involve about 375 claimants.

The proposed settlement comes as the Catholic Church continues to wrestles with a sex abuse and cover-up scandal that has spanned the globe. Some of the allegations in New Mexico date back decades.

$121.5M Settlement in NM



From June 1-5, hundreds of intercessors from South Korea will be in 20 cities throughout America to pray for revival, and the leader of a national prayer movement is encouraging churches across the country to hold their own prayer meetings at the same time.

“They’ll come to cities from coast to coast and border to border to pray morning noon and night,” said P. Douglas Small, President of Project Pray, which is hosting “America’s Prayer Meeting.”

Hundreds of Korean Intercessors Coming to Pray for America on Anniversary of Historic Billy Graham Crusade

Pastor Tony Tice: I have a righteous anger today. We need pastors who will be humble servants instead of trying to be the next great church leader.

I saw Pastor Tony Tice’s post on Facebook and asked him if I could post it here at FGGAM. Pastor Tony NAILS IT! Pastor Tony’s Church, Church on the Rock, is in Elkhart, Indiana where I worked for several years at WFRN Christian radio! Thank you Pastor Tony for allowing me to post your message! God Bless you and yours!
We drank from the cup of the church growth movement from the 80-90’s. We became obsessed with leadership over servantship even though Jesus said in the gospels: “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.”
I’ve seen with my own eyes the choosing of the proud ways of the Gentiles instead of the humble ways of Jesus. There’s so many examples of this I could give but won’t. It would break your heart as it has mine.
Two things came out this week that shows what happens when we see churches as organizations instead of organisms. And when we see pastors/elders as business leaders not shepherds. #1 The SBC sexual abuse task force. Years of Southern Baptist Executive leadership hiding sexual abuse and intimidating victims. All in the name of protecting the brand. #2 The most recent Barna Research that reveals a majority of pastors don’t even have a Biblical worldview. I included the numbers. Take a look. And perhaps it’ll cause you to weep as it does me. What have we done with Jesus’ church?
I have a righteous anger today. This world desperately needs Christ. And we need to stop being obsessed with building big churches and get committed to making disciples. We need pastors who will be humble servants instead of trying to be the next great church leader.

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