The Destiny Of Daisies… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Destiny Of Daisies…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Life is sure adventurous. Somehow, I decided to be at the Top O’Maine Trade Show in Madawaska, Maine this past weekend. I love to pray with people, give out free Bibles, and display my writings.

When I penned my first devotional book, Good Morning Beautiful People, a few years ago. I wrote a morning devotion about Madawaska, Maine. I titled it, Sometimes The Surprise Is on Us. It was about me going to drop off a birthday gift to my daughter that was on vacation, the Madawaska Police Department and the gift store called Daisies.

On my recent visit, I learned Daisies is for sale. Turnkey the sign said. I just had to re-post that devotional this morning, in honor of the beautiful woman that owned that store.

Good Morning Beautiful People…Sometimes The Surprise Is On Us (page 391-392)

What a beautiful day here in Maine.  The sun is out and I went for my morning walk praying for all the families that have suffered loss from the hurricanes. I went by a construction truck that had people working on our roads near my home. Madawaska, was written on their truck door and it caught my attention. I chuckled as it reminded me of a story I wanted to write about. So today’s the day.

Last month, I wanted to surprise my youngest daughter for her birthday. I made the trip north on her special day to the beautiful town of Madawaska. She was not home, but on vacation around the coast of Maine. I was disappointed. However, I stopped and prayed and shared my disappointment with God Himself. I asked if there was anything I should do before I leave. Then, I noticed a police vehicle and it read In God We Trust on the back by the license plate. I got excited.  I immediately said out loud no wonder their schools marching band was chosen to go to Washington, D.C. for the inauguration. I asked God to make a way for me to talk to the officer.  She pulled up and parked a few blocks from me and yes I went right up to talk with her. She said some people don’t like it, but the chief made the decision it would stay on the vehicle. What a chief, what a leader. I love his bold stand.

Sometimes, I am just bold. I just had to stop at that police department and shake his hand.  As I glanced up and read the vision statement on his wall, I was blessed. Sure made my heart happy. I wish I could remember it all, but I can’t.

Then I thought I would go to the local grocery store and post about the Healing Water’s Women’s Conference  (It was amazing by the way.) I noticed a florist/gift shop named Daisies. I smiled as daisies was the decorations we were using for the conference. I continued to drive down Main Street towards home but something kept drawing me back.  I finally turned around and went in to see what Daisies was all about.  I saw the most beautiful items and met the owner of the store. I was just amazed at all the beautiful items she had for baby dedications, christenings, weddings, etc. The decorative Bibles and babies in cradle musical globes and the Believe necklaces made my heart covet a bit. ( I’ll be back.)

I inquired of the owner how she got the name Daisies for her store. She said her grandson yelled out daisies as she and her husband were talking about possible names. Isn’t kids amazing? I asked if I could pray a blessing over her store.  I loved her creative ideas and I loved her gifts for Christenings and Baby Dedications. I loved the whole store.

I dropped my daughter’s gifts off at her in-laws and headed home. Although, I missed them, I am blessed knowing God has them in the palm of His hands. I am thankful even the police department is looking to God. I am thankful for meeting the owner of Daisies. I am thankful for their grandson who named the store. Life is good. In God We Can Trust. Yes, Yes we can.

Let’s Pray:

Father, help us to see and hear you working all around us. Your ways are higher than our ways, your thoughts are higher than ours.(Isaiah 55:9) Empower us to have the grace to trust you more. We ask you to forgive us when unbelief has crept in. We believe, we believe, we believe. Oh, how I wish I could buy everyone in the whole world one of those Believe necklaces from Daisies. Oh, how I wish I could buy every pregnant mother a globe with the baby in a cradle singing. Since I can’t, I thank you for the daisies in the field.  Every time they see a daisy God, I pray they know how much they are loved. I pray they know how precious life is. I pray they will believe Your Holy Scriptures.

You always make my heart sing. I love journeying everyday with You, Jesus. Amen.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Enjoy your day. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6)

P.S. Father, thank you for watching over Daisie’s in Madawaska, Maine. Who is that special person that will turn the key? We pray for the destiny of Daisie’s.

Father, we pray for the destiny of all your people. Draw them to yourself, we pray. Amen.



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