Please Forgive Me… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Please Forgive Me…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. The day after Easter and many beautiful people around this globe heard the gospel message for the first time. Some may have prayed and asked for forgiveness of sins, and some may still be pondering about the most important decision they will ever make. A simple prayer, Father forgive me…

On Saturday, I went to pick up a few last minute items for our Easter Celebration. In one store, I felt impressed to pray for a woman wearing a yellow sweater. Believe it or not, I am sort of quiet and reserved, but always want to be obedient. As I approached her and asked if I could pray for her, my mouth became full of words of knowledge that I began to speak to her. Then I prayed as this woman whom I didn’t really know sobbed and cried. God wanted to touch her that day.

Last evening, I sat with my three grandsons in a church service in Mars Hill, Maine. They sure keep this very young grandmother hopping. Don’t laugh when I tell you at one point as I glanced over and one grandson had taken his shirt off. He was sporting his jeans that were a bit muddy and his bare belly. As I spoke with him to put his shirt back on, I couldn’t help but think of the song, Come As You Are.

Today, know that God sees us just as we are. Everything is laid bare before him. Maybe today you are like the lady in the yellow sweater, needing a dose of hope or maybe like my grandson with his muddy jeans and bare belly. The message is still the same as it was yesterday. Jesus loves you. Jesus said you were enough to die for and he is ready to journey life with you.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for Jesus. This new season, springtime can be a new beginning for those that desire. Leaving behind those muddy waters and be filled with the living water of Jesus Christ. We just simply ask Father, forgive me.

Father, we remember this morning once again that you didn’t die just for one person and one sin, you died for all people and the sins of the whole world.

Father, may many seek you today and find the faithful Father that you are. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. May out of your belly flow rivers of living water. (John 7:38)


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