Are You A Firm Believer? Happy Easter…


Are You A Firm Believer? Happy Easter…

Happy Easter beautiful people, Happy Easter. Jesus is alive! Yes, Jesus is alive. My morning prayer turned into an afternoon prayer. Church, ministry, dinner and now as I sit at the dining room table in Chapman, Maine the snow is falling and blowing once again. It seems like a dusting in the wind.

Maybe today you have never experienced Jesus for yourself. Maybe it was something that you learned in Sunday school, but never witnessed the power. Maybe you have a hard time to believe that Jesus could forgive you, deliver you and give you a new beginning. He can, yes, he can and he will.

I remember having a pastor tell us once as he preached his well prepared anointed sermon, don’t take my word for this, go home and look this up in your Bible for yourselves. That was excellent advice and I did just that. I took my journal along with my Bible and I began the most incredible journey I have ever been on. The Lord revealed himself in the mountain top experiences as well as in the deep valleys.  In every place Jesus met with me and I can declare before the world today, Yes, Jesus is alive.

The Word of the Lord is true, it’s alive, it’s active and it’s sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). So today I say the same to you, don’t take my word for it, ask Jesus to reveal himself to you. I am certain you will soon discover He is alive, His word is true and you will find yourself on an incredible journey, one that will change your life forever.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for laying your life down for all mankind. We thank you today you are alive and well and your spirit does live within all whomever will ask. No one will be denied if they pray (ask) believe and receive.

Today, we join our faith and pray many will come to know you all across this globe. We have not because we ask not and today, we thank you for the greatest revival this world has ever known.

I join my faith with every reader that will dare to believe your Word, that they too will receive the greatest gift ever given, Jesus. May many choose to believe today and begin the journey of knowing you Lord, for there’s nothing greater than journeying life with Jesus.

We give you thanks for the price you paid. Amen!

Have a Blessed Easter beautiful people. Jesus is alive, he has risen. Are you a firm believer?

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