APD Releases Video of Car’s Impact with School Bus


Lawless and permissive attitudes have consequences. We see this across the nation, that when District Attorneys are soft on crime, communities are unwilling to even enforce traffic laws and the police are shamed for doing their job, crime becomes worse and tragic events are more common.

Case-in-point, APD has just released a video showing the moment an Albuquerque school bus is hit by a white Ford Mustang. Albuquerque police say the car was being driven by 49-year-old Mario Perez who struck the side of the bus carrying 23 middle school students, 7 of which were taken to the hospital to treat injuries sustained in the collision.

Two of the students had more serious injuries, one requiring leg surgery and another surgery for a pelvic fracture. As a result, Perez is being charged with two counts of causing great bodily injury with a vehicle.

This accident was caused by Perez racing another driver of a Mustang who has yet to be found.

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