Never Give Up! What is it about our faith in God’s infallible Word that triggers such hostility among the unsaved?


My cup for filled up by listening to Michael Youssef the other day and then I ordered his book, “Never Give Up.” I would recommend this book to all. I have found Michael Youssef to be a very good teacher.

Michael Youssef:

Have you ever wondered why nonbelievers display such an intense hatred for Jesus and His followers? What is it about our faith in God’s infallible Word that triggers such hostility among the unsaved? The answer may be simpler than you think.

The gospel tells us that we are lost in our sin, and there is no way we can save ourselves through good works. Salvation is by grace through faith, not of works (Eph. 1:8–9). The moment we recognize the awfulness of our sin and cast ourselves upon God’s mercy and grace, He forgives, transforms and justifies us. That is the gospel message.

Believe in the Real Gospel, Not a Stripped-Down Version, Says Michael Youssef

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