Sex Slaves Tell Their Story of Breaking Free from Human Trafficking, The Average Age of a Sex Slave in America is 13 Years Old!


The words that hit me were, ‘the average age of a sex slave in America is 13 years old!’ I do not know what to say! I thank Bri Lamm and ‘Faith It’ for brining this horrific problem to our attention, it is worse than ever! I am so very heart broken. Please pray with me that this issue gets more attention in America and more will be done to end this work of Satan. Abortion and sex slavery in America, we do so much harm to God’s children. What good are we? We are not a good Country. Shame on us. We live in an America that I do not recognize. So many people have made politics their God, supporting evil politicians. We live in a Country that thugs attacked our Nations Capitol and many do not even see the evil behind this act of terror! Our nation came close to being destroyed. Many fools defend this attack!!! They also defend evil politicians. Christians must be very careful who they stand with in politics, which is the playground of Satan. Many in America our blinded by Satan. Only 6% of this Country believes in a Biblical Worldview. I can smell hell from here. Way too many Christians have put politics before God. Way too many Christians have supported evil politicians. BE HOLY! Strive for purity! I pray that people see Jesus in you and me!

I will spend the rest of my life ministering to all people.

The average age of a sex slave in America is 13 years old.

Yep, you read that correctly. “Slavery,” “America,” and “13 years old” all in one sentence.

When we think about a sex slave, most of us probably have this very sensationalized Hollywood perception of what that phrase actually means.

We think of Liam Neeson moving heaven and earth to rescue his daughter in Taken, or Mariska Hargitay helping a victim on Law and Order SVU. Perhaps you visualize dirty, ragged girls, chained to beds, or even foreign children in a faraway land.

Sex Slaves Tell Their Story of Breaking Free from Human Trafficking

C.S. Lewis made this statement:

“God designed the human machine to run on himself. He himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food for our spirits were designed to feed on. … God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.”

Why Holiness is the Key to happiness

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