Dr. Guy Clark: Stop NM Senate Memorial 25–Invitation to Online Sports Betting


Senate Memorial 25 has been sent to the Senate Rules Committee.  This memorial asks the LFC and other committees to ”examine the state of gaming in New Mexico.” The main purpose of this memorial seems to get one of these committees to say something positive about Online gambling, and use that endorsement to promote legislation legalizing Online gambling in the next session. Over thirty states have legalized Online sports betting and have seen professional and collegiate sporting events deluged with dozens of gambling ads embedded in the broadcast during hours when children and teens are watching.  The U.K. has had this arrangement for over a decade and has reported that the rate of teen use and addiction has skyrocketed.

Please don’t let Online sports betting get their foot in the door.  Help promote Gambling Free Kids. If you want to help, call members of the Senate Rules Committee and ask them to table Senate Memorial 25.

Contact information for each senator can be accessed by clicking on their name below. The next best contact to personal contact is a phone contact. Please make the contacts as soon as possible. Also, please send this email to your email lists where appropriate.

Dr. Guy C. Clark, chairman
Stop Predatory Gambling New Mexico

Daniel A. Ivey-Soto

Leo Jaramillo

Stuart Ingle

Gregory A. Baca

Katy M. Duhigg

Linda M. Lopez

Mark Moores

Gerald Ortiz y Pino

Cliff R. Pirtle

Mimi Stewart

Peter Wirth

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