WHY CAN’T THE VETERANS ADMINSTRATION DO THIS??? Arnold Schwarzenegger donates 25 tiny homes to homeless California veterans


Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

Jeremiah 29:7

WHY? WHY? The Federal government spends money in such a wasteful way………pouring billions of dollars down a rat hole! The Veterans Administration is a train wreck, whether we have a Dem or Republican as President! WHY CAN’T THE FEDS BUILD THESE HOMES ALL OVER AMERICA FOR OUR HEROES!!!!!!!!!! MY GOODNESS AMERICA!!! SO SINFUL IN YOUR TREATMENT OF YOUR VETERANS!!!!!!!!!! Why can’t these homes be built all over for the homeless population? Read your Bible! What does the Bible say about servanthood?

Look what Arnold did!!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger donates 25 tiny homes to homeless California veterans


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