The Promised Victory of Jesus’ Second Coming


December 28, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.”


There are two aspects of Jesus’ return. First of all, He’s coming secretly for His bride, and then He is coming with His bride. He’s coming sweetly like a bridegroom and He’s coming sovereignly like a King. There was no room for Jesus in the inn the first time He came, but when He comes again, He’s coming as King of kings and Lord of lords.

The unfinished story of Christmas is this: Jesus is coming again. Paul’s message was that when Jesus comes, 777 is going to take care of 666. Our Lord shall reign. Jesus came the first Christmas to die in the sinner’s place. Jesus is coming the second Christmas to receive the sinner to Himself. Our faith looks backward to a crucified Savior. Our love looks upward to a crowned Savior. And our hope looks forward to a coming Savior.

  • On a daily basis, where do you find it hard to remember and believe Jesus will return again?
  • How would your life look different if you believed this fully each day?


Make a list of ways your life would change if you fully believed Jesus could come again at any moment. Submit these things before God in prayer and ask Him to help you live in faith and obedience before Him.

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