Fireworks at the Roundhouse! NM House Speaker retaliates against Hispanic voices by improperly dissolving Land Grant committee in spat with Democrat lawmaker


Fireworks at the Roundhouse! The Roundhouse has turned into like D.C. Deep division! The Governor and Speaker of the House are having their way with New Mexico, way too much power! We are dealing with two very big EGO’s! My goodness! So many American politicians are suffering from very BIG EGO’S! You know what ego stands for right? Edging God Out!

We got this news release last night from the NM GOP

House Speaker retaliates against Hispanic voices by improperly dissolving Land Grant committee in spat with Democrat lawmaker

Santa Fe – The 2nd Special Session, focused on redistricting, wrapped up today. Throughout this entire special session the progressive majority made every effort to dilute Hispanic voices in the legislature through the redistricting process with Republicans, Democrats, and Independent lawmakers calling out the process that sidelined and even reduced Hispanic voters voices in New Mexico. Near the end of the marathon special session, long-time Albuquerque South Valley Democrat Rep. Miguel Garcia voiced his concerns about the lack of respect for New Mexico’s Hispanic communities this session and ultimately resigned as chair of the House Local Government, Land Grant and Cultural Affairs Committee. In an overreaction to Rep. Garcia standing up for minority voting strength, the Speaker of the House Brian Egolf dissolved the Local Government, Land Grant and Cultural Affairs Committee, the single most important committee for addressing cultural issues primarily affecting New Mexico’s Hispanic communities.

“It is a travesty that we are seeing play out exactly what so many Hispanic lawmakers, from both sides of the aisle, echoed in the Roundhouse this week- if you are a Hispanic and do not conform to so-called progressivism, you are not the right type of Hispanic and are no longer useful,” said House Republican Whip Rod Montoya (Farmington). “Once again, we are witnessing the diminishing returns progressive democrats are finding in Hispanic voting groups. Not only does the Speaker not have the authority to dissolve a standing committee without going through the Legislature, for him to eliminate a committee whose jurisdiction is to protect ancestral lands and Hispanic voices reveals to every New Mexican how each of us is a political pawn for the progressive Democrats who control this state.”

Bruises of New Mexico special legislative session may take time to heal

Special session ends with another bruising debate

My post from earlier today:

Satan’s Dark Abyss: ‘National Shoot Up Your School Day’ and Amazon Warehouse in ABQ Evacuated After Bomb Threat

America has unraveled at this point……now we will see where the pieces are going to fall. There is no going back! When the pieces finally land we will see the ‘new America’

Satan is having his way with many in America, so many are off the track and blinded by Satan, walking in darkness, many do not even know it!

Why is the World full of evil?

“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” Eph 4: 17, 18.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the road of hopelessness and self-destruction.

I could not beleive what I was hearing yesterday in the United States of America! “National Shoot Up Your School Day” I thought nothing would surprise me anymore with the downward trend of America! BUT! This one did! Can you even imagine how our children, parents and teachers are feeling with all these school shootings and threats like this? I do not know much about this TikTok deal, but If I could, I would shut it down for sure! I officiated a funeral service yesterday for a Mom who buried her son. So very tragic. I did not have time to post on this yesterday. We are falling very fast as a Country and World, into Satan’s dark abyss.

I am getting very drained with what is going on…..thankfully I have JESUS, Sharon, Daisy and the kids and grandkids and wonderful friends. You can see from these stories, all this happens when people are not grounded in JESUS! Yesterday when I was driving to the Chapel, God showed me this is war, Spiritual Warfare, very hot and heavy! I will continue to carry out The Great Commission until Jesus returns. How about you?

JESUS is the answer, always is! THE ONLY ANSWER!

It is beyond time for the Church to leave the the walls and hit the streets. The ‘Church model’ in America needs to change. Be like Mother Teresa and go where the hurting people are. America is a mission field, we need missionaries very bad. The American Church is fighting this raging fire of hell with a garden hose.

“National Shoot Up Your School Day,” 

New Mexico schools take precautions in response to TikTok challenge

Amazon warehouse evacuated after reported bomb threat

Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil

SPRITUAL WARFARE: Inside the shocking survey showing majority of U.S. Christians don’t believe Holy Spirit Is real (podcast)

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

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