What You Need to Know: COVID Variant Spreads to More Countries


What you need to know! I am really tired of all the hate and division about COVID. It is a sickness that has divided America, even the Church. This division brings joy to Satan. I am having many friends come down with COVID right now, we have had many friends die over  the last year or so of COVID. We have many friends who have recovered but still have lingering side effects. Be careful out there, I am not here to tell you what to do, I am here to pray for you and yours good health and encourage you to be careful. Take care of your God given temple. I had to take a week off and fill my CUP, as I have done more funerals in the last two years than I have in the past 17 years.

I am not here to argue, but to pray over you, to love you, take care my friends. These are troubling times, we all must help people come to know Jesus. It is called The Great Commission, it is a command from our LORD, not a suggestion.

Paul cried out and said that men are not to be worshipped, too many worship politicians. Men are not to be acclaimed. The last 6 years or so many in the Church drank the political Kool-Aid. There has been hell to pray for that. Men are to walk in the steps of Jesus. He alone is to be worshipped. All followers of Jesus Christ have but one step to take—-walk with Him!

COVID variant spreads to more countries has world on alert

Hate is awful…..Hate kills the soul…please watch what you say and do.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

We love you all in JESUS!

Man oh Man! This message by Daniel Henderson PREACHES!!!PTL!!!AMEN!!!



Daniel Henderson

I used to say that we live in uncertain times. While I still believe this is true, I am starting to conclude that we all live uncertain lives. While God’s truth and our eternal destiny in Christ are certain, many other factors in our lives are a bit unpredictable and unclear at times. It is the nature of the journey.

Trusting God When You’re Trapped in Uncertainty

I suppose today as you read this you face some measure of uncertainty. You may face major questions about your health, your job, your finances, your children, your grandchildren, your church or someone in your circle of friends. Clearly, we cannot avoid uncertainty in this life, but we can respond to it in a Christ-honoring and soul-profiting fashion.

The Search for Clarity

Trusting God When You’re Trapped in Uncertainty

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