The Push is on For Stricter Gun Laws in New Mexico, Fast Food Restaurants Closing Early Because of Crime


Can it get any worse….yes…for sure. We live in a lawless America, a godless America, more people are leaving the Church than ever before in our history. There are more Americans with no religious affiliation. It is conventional wisdom today that all truth is personal and subjective. As a result, sharing Christ in public is viewed as the imposition of our beliefs on others. I was having a conversation with my Sister Deb yesterday on how wore down I am from all the ugly and she hit the nail on the heard, “The last 20 months has been a very hard time for all.” I see know end to the chaos in America. I know business that already have changed their hours because of the lack of help and increase crime. I have people tell me they had to quit their job because they were traumatized by a knife or a gun during a robbery here in Albuquerque. What a world we are leaving our children, it breaks my heart.

Death of infant in Valencia County raises questions

Bernalillo County district attorney wants stricter gun crime laws

In a murderous year in ABQ, gunplay leads to record deaths

Fast food restaurants take security into their own hands

My heart breaks at this death of this little boy….how can New Mexicans and all Americans live with themselves?? I’m pouring my heart out to you all…what are you doing to help God?…look what we have created….a world that kills babies. A baby…….a baby….God created this little boy……Here in new Mexico we abort babies all the time…..God’s babies……this is a living nightmare……but yet for many, its business as usual……

We must not become numb to these tragedies, this evil……..I have never seen such evil until I moved here to New Mexico. I have lived in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Indiana and since 1995 here in New Mexico. Sure the other states had problems, but to kill babies??? Not like New Mexico through abortion and parents killing their own through murder, like just what happened in Los Lunas. 1 month old boy killed by Mother in New Mexico What makes New Mexico so violent? The people of New Mexico really need to focus on the cause. This is not a Dem or GOP problem this is the ‘peoples problem.’ Why so much death? Why so much child abuse and hunger? New Mexico has long had one of the worst rates of child food insecurity in the country. In 2020, 26% of New Mexico children experienced food insecurity, which is up from pre-COVID-19 levels of 22%. … In 2019, 25% of New Mexico children lived in poverty, which is the third highest rate in the country. NM Child Abuse Deaths Double New Mexico has led the nation in all these ugly things. It seems to me, many ignore this. Abortion, so many babies are killed every month. NM Abortion Clinics See Influx from Texas I am wore down from all the children being killed in this state. So many here in New Mexico are not of God, just like in America. Stop now, and pray for what God would have you do. If Jesus gave out report cards, in my mind, the Church in New Mexico and all over America would get an F. We all are failing God.

Sharon and I will continue to stand in the gap for God’s babies and all people ass we go forth carrying out THE GREAT COMMISSION in love. We will continue to build bridges of love and trust in the world. We will speak to the evils of this world in the love of JESUS! We will hold the Church accountable for its failures.

Our children are paying a deep price for the failure of us adults to provide them a better world.

Politics is not the answer JESUS is!

God created New Mexico with all His beauty and we have created a cloud of death over His creation. Shame on all of us.

Sharon and I will continue to go against this dysfunction, even in the Church until the Lord says no more.

We both are very tired.

From Adrian Rogers:


No man ever got a better start than King Saul. And no man ever had a sadder finish than King Saul. When we first meet King Saul in the Bible as a young man, he’s handsome. He’s winsome. He’s courteous. He’s humble. He’s thoughtful. But as we continue through the Bible, we find he becomes a bitter, envious, murderous, wicked, old man. He died by his own hand. He died sadly, piteously, and embarrassingly.

But we should learn from Saul because the thing that happened to Saul could happen to any person. He gave himself over to certain influences, and the devil moved in, and in Saul, we see the finished product of the devil’s art. As the Bible reminds us at many points, it’s not how you start but how you finish. Saul had the right start, but he finished poorly because he turned away from God.

  • When was a time you started something well but finished poorly?
  • Would you say your life is moving toward God over time or away from Him? What needs to change?


Write out a list of your priorities. Write what really matters to you (not what you think should matter). Objectively review this list and assess whether these priorities will move you closer to or further away from God.

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