The Holy Spirit makes us a fearless and compassionate witness for Jesus


The Holy Spirit makes us a fearless and compassionate witness for Jesus.

Amen! I am a Holy Spirit filled preacher! I am so very blessed to say so! I have had two very key teachers over the years that have really taught me much about the Holy Spirit. Pastor Jim Montoya and Charles Stanley. I am bold enough to say, I AM A HOLY SPIRIT PREACHER! I pray for the Lord to move upon me to show me what to preach, what to report, what to write here at FGGAM, and how to live my life! Lord cover me with your Holy Spirit, show me….I do not do what I do to for man, ALL GOD! This is why am not a popular man of this world. Only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. We are in very, very bad shape.

I can change my message in seconds as I am directed by the Holy Spirit, not my will, but God’s. I do not do what I do for myself or man, I do it for God. The Holy Spirt is God’s Holy spirit. We sometimes lose the sight of the word HOLY when we refer to the SPIRIT. When people speak of the SPIRIT, are they talking about NEW AGE STUFF, OR THE HOLY SPIRIT???!!!God’s purpose for  indwelling us with His own Spirit is to make us HOLY! 1 Peter 1:15-16 teaches us, “As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” We are called to a HOLY LIFE.

Look at yourself in the mirror…are you living a HOLY LIFE?

Some or many of you have become to comfortable in who you think you are in God.

The American Church is tied up in a lot of worldly stuff!

We must all build bridges of love and trust with the world. Tough love, you will have to have me preach at your Church sometime as this is my message for such a time as this. The time is urgent, many are being swept away by Satan everyday. The Church in America is losing its in influence everyday. The Church has failed in carrying out THE GREAT COMMISSION!

Please read the book, “Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit” by Charles Stanley!

Spirit-Filled Transformation: 5 Pieces of Evidence the Holy Spirit Has Control of Your Life

Gangstafied to Sanctified

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