NOT GOOD! Church Fight! The Church Will Have to Answer to God!


I have never seen so much fighting going on in the Church, especially from the Baptist Church. All this fighting is showing an unbelieving world what it wants to see from so called Christians. This does not only do great harm to all Baptist Churches, but TO ALL CHURCHES! SHAME! Satan has a stronghold with many in the American Church. The Church is doing a great job of chasing people away, never to return, I know, I minister to people all the time that have had it with the American Church. The Church will have to answer to God for all this. The Church in America needs to face the fact that it is fading fast. I see it, the Lord shows me everyday, but who am I? I am just one, but I will stand with The love of JESUS and His Words and not make it a business, the Churches that are abiding God are being hurt by those that do not, they have made the Bride of Christ a business to suit whatever they want it to be. Satan is having his way with many. I never thought I would see this. So many are not moving with the Holy Spirit. Does your Church teach the TEN COMMANDMENTS? Does your Church fulfill THE GREAT COMMISSION?

From Charles Stanley:

When Jesus spoke to His followers, He called them “the salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13). In those days, salt was the only way to preserve food. As Christians, we too have a preserving effect on the earth because we have the only message that can deliver people from the corruption of sin and give them eternal life.

Much of the American Church has lost its salt.

From Adrian Rogers this morning:

Do you have the mind of Christ? Do you think as Jesus thinks? Do you love as Jesus loves? Do you deal with others as Jesus would deal with them? One of the saddest things in the world is to see people who stab other people in the back under the guise of Christianity. They’re arguing, disputing, and fighting among themselves, yet claiming to love the Lord Jesus. But here’s the truth: You cannot claim to love the Lord Jesus Christ and knife those that He loves. It doesn’t matter whether yours is family loyalty, fundamental loyalty, or fighting loyalty. If you’re knifing those that Jesus loves, you need to assess if you really know Him. That was the problem for Joab and for Judas. They never really had the mind of Christ. Do you?

  • Who is it hard for you to love within the body of Christ?
  • Read John 13:34-35. How are you reminded that loving this way is not just an option but a command if you are to truly follow Jesus?

UPDATED November 12, 2021: Earlier this week, the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) singled out one Texas church for criticism as part of a fundraising push in their newsletter. Instead of giving to the CBMW, many donors opted to give to the church CBMW criticized instead.

That church was First Baptist Church of Elm Mott, where the husband of author and Christian historian Beth Allison Barr serves as lead pastor. Barr is the author of “The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth,” wherein Barr recasts a vision for gender roles in the evangelical church, making the case for an egalitarian view. More Here

We keep brining you very creditable evidence on the downfall of America. In doing this, we pray the America Church awakes from its slumber! The America Church as a whole has failed to carry out The Great Commission! How long have I been saying that??? Until I am blue in the face!!!! The LORD has given me a passion and urgency for the Church to return to its purpose!!! The Church in America fell in love with toys, and buildings, forgot the young people! Look around in Church how many children do you see in Church? How is Sunday school going? How many baptisims has your Church done in the last 2 years? How many new members in the last 2 years Oh! The Church in America loves pep rally’s and fancy, dancy and loves preaching to the choir! Many Christians became absorbed be evil politicians in the last 6 years, look what has happened to the Southern Baptist Convention!!! Politics is destroying SBC! and many other Churches. Shame! The Church has chased many away! How do I know????? Our ministry hears from them!!! They are so disgusted that many Churches turned political. They call and are looking for a non-political Pastor!!!  This is what FGGAM does, we hear from people all over, many are so very disappointed in much of the Church. Many tell me the Church no longer feeds them, gives them the true hope in JESUS It is the Churches own fault. FGGAM ALWAYS reports from a Biblical Worldview not a political worldview. Only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, that is why we are not popular with the world! We are not Political!!! We are not Hollywood, we are not into performance and fancy, dancy! We may be in the minority, BUT WE HAVE JESUS!!!! JESUS!!! We are a GREAT COMMISSION MINISTRY!!!

A couple of months ago an Associate Pastor told me, “My Pastor is trying his best with a divided congregation, he is trying to keep us together, half are republican’s and the other half are democrats, it is tough on him.”

See what happens when politics enters the Church!!!!!????? Preach JESUS! You cannot lose! Politics is the playground of Satan! I have said that for years and years!




Only if you could see and hear what we do. Then you might understand my passion and urgency! I thank the LORD for putting me and Sharon in this work for HIM!!! FOR HIM ALONE SHARON AND I STAND UNTIL THE END!!!

I just found out about this wonderful ministry!

Millennials in America: New Insights

Grap a cup of Joe, listen in to this amazing discussion with George Barna and Terence Chatmon as they discuss some new research insights and next steps to reach a generation that is having or will have growing influence.

Today, I am joined by George Barna as we discuss new research and insights into Millennials in America. George Barna is the founder of The Barna Group, a market research firm specializing in studying the religious beliefs and behavior of Americans, and the intersection of faith and culture.

Millennials: • Are the most populous generation in American society • Currently constitute close to four out of every 10 working-age Americans • Comprise the primary parenting-age segment in the United States.

Highlights: • 24 out of every 25 Millennials (96%) lack a biblical worldview, • Three-fourths say they lack meaning and purpose in life.

How can we equip a generation to reach this generation? Tune in to this dynamic discussion.

Millennials in America: New Insight into the Generation of Growing Influence – YouTube

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