Does God really forgive criminals that have committed horrific acts against others?


Does God really forgive criminals that have committed horrific acts against others?

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Does God really forgive criminals that have committed horrific acts against others? – C.A.

A: We may see God as able to forgive the small sin, but incapable of forgiving the gross sinner. In our own weakness as humans, we tend to grade sins. Here’s a little sin on our scale, but over here there’s a very, very heavy sin.

War crimes often put this on display, such as during World War II, which …

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Praying Effectively

God answers the prayers of a transformed heart that seeks His will.
November 16, 2021
1 Kings 18:17-39 

God has given us the privilege of coming to Him with all our requests and concerns. And His Word tells us the prayers of a righteous person can accomplish much (James 5:16). Isn’t that what we all desire?

Elijah is a good example of someone who prayed effectively. He entered into a spiritual conflict with Baal worshippers to prove to Israel that the Lord is the one true God. Elijah’s petition was based on his knowledge of the Lord’s supremacy and an understanding of His will. When the prophet prayed, God responded by powerfully answering the request.

To have an effective prayer life, we must first be righteous through saving faith in Jesus Christ. Before redemption, we were sinners under God’s condemnation (Eph. 2:1-3). But in Christ, we are made new and declared righteous in His sight (Eph. 2:4-6).

For our petitions to be effectual, they must be in agreement with God’s will (1 John 5:14-15). Getting to know our heavenly Father’s character and priorities is the key to a powerful prayer life. As we grow in our knowledge of Him, our requests will increasingly align with His plans.

Bible in One Year: Acts 16-17


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