Cowboy Deacon Dave, a Role Model for Us All!


I was so super blessed to get a phone call yesterday morning from My Dear Freind Cowboy Deacon Dave Ryan, pictured at the very top. Dave and his precious angel wife Ruth are in the hospital with COVID! Dave surprised me so much by calling me! I love this man of God, we need more men like him! He is a true Man of GOD! Dave is 93 and is so strong in his faith in GOD ALMIGHTY! Dave sounded so good on the phone! I pray he and Ruth will be home soon. Dave and Ruth are role models for us all, they always put GOD first! Dave let me know that the LORD is in charge and he has stated that to me time and time again in my visits with him over the last 12 years plus that I have known him. Too many men are silent about their faith, they are strong on other things like secular stuff, but weak on God things. All my heroes are able to tell me ‘all is well with my soul.’ They live JESUS, they don’t use JESUS, like so many! JESUS must be at the center of our lives at all times! Dave and Ruth serve at Pastor Paul and Josie Holt’s Church, First Baptist of Magdalena, NM! I love all the folks there, they are so very Biblically sound!

Dave and I talked about ‘all is well with my soul’ We both said yes. How about you? Is all with your soul? What is disturbing you? Do you have a Biblically sound Church to attend? I highly recommend First Baptist Church of Magdalena. You will not find a better preacher, who lives and breathes Jesus, than Pastor Paul Holt. Look for people that INSPIRE you in the LORD and not the things of this world! Amen! That is what keeps me and Sharon going, friends like Dave, Ruth, Paul and Josie and all the folks at FBC in Magdalena!

Please pray for all those that are sick….so many are ill. So many need prayer.

Joni Eareckson Tada:

Though Satan should buffet, tho’ trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control:
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

It is well, it is well,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll:
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend,
“Even so” – it is well with my soul. *1

Lord of Hope, I place my trust in you and I praise you for making all things well with my soul. Please receive glory as I magnify and adore your name, lifting my soul before you. With you, there is no reason to be downhearted.

1* Spafford, Horatio O. The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration, Word Music, 1986, p. 493.

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