Life Verse for Pastor Dewey Moede

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

I am here to comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable……

So many Americans, including so called Christians, (I use the term, ‘so called’, because the number of Christians that hold a Biblical worldview is down to 6%) are fooling themselves that everything is going to be okay without JESUS! REVIVAL! REPENT AMERICA! REPENT CHURCH! NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL PEP RALLIES!!!!!!! STOP BEING FOOLS! This is serious business! Lives are at stake, America is in ICU! Be a soul saver for JESUS! Carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION!!! STOP THE ENTERTAINMENT CHURCH! WE ARE FALING GOD!!!! Many Pastors have their blinders on as do parishioners!

Many, like myself, keep sounding the alarm for America, but it continues to slip into hell. America will even be worse in just 3 months. America may exist in another year, but unless REVIVAL takes place, I hate to think what we look like! Many watchman on the wall have sounded this alarm for over 17 years! I remember myself and my Pastor friends on New Mexico News and Views on KKIM talking about the need for another GREAT AWAKENING IN AMERICA! The Church in America needs to STOP PLAYING CHURCH AND BE THE CHURCH! America has become such a foolish nation, that is what happens when you leave God, YOU BECOME A FOOL! So, once again we see hoarding going on in America, grocery stores running out of items. Foolish behavior, people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. NO JESUS, NO DIRECTION. EQUALS HELL ON EARTH!

If you think this is going to get better without JESUS, you are a fool! America has been so foolish to think we can ‘live happily ever after’ and kill God’s babies.

‘Revival or We Die’: Why America Needs Another Great Awakening

JESUS! is the only answer! Politics is the playground of Satan. Satan has divided America more than ever since the Civil War! he playground of Satan! Many Americans love their politics MORE THAN JESUS!!!!!! They let Politics rule over their life! SHAME! It is a religion to many.


By Richard D. Land, Christian Post Executive Editor

Are ominous signs revealing deep divisions in American society serving as harbingers or warning alarms that the nation’s continuing unity is truly imperiled?

There are certainly multiple reasons for deep concern. The University of Virginia’s Center for Politics has published a survey revealing that 41% of President Biden’s voters believe that the nation is so hopelessly divided that they think the nation needs to be divided into “blue” nation and “red” nation. Sadly, 51% of President Trump’s voters agree with them.

When you drill down on the survey the results are even more ominous. If you add 41% of Biden’s voters (=38 million) with 52% of Trump’s voters (=38 million), we are confronted with the fact that 71 million Americans who actually voted in the 2020 presidential election are ready to give up on the American experiment. Their disdain and hostility toward their fellow countrymen, and their lack of tolerance of their differing convictions, have now reached the point of advocating national divorce.

Is America headed for a national crack up?

The Crisis of Leadership in American Evangelicalism


This is part 1 of The Christian Post’s article series on the Crisis of leadership in American evangelicalism. Read part 2 here. Read part 3 here.

Regular readers of The Christian Post are well aware of the moral failures at the highest levels of evangelical leadership in the recent past. Formerly revered figures such as Ravi Zacharias, Bill Hybels and Mark Driscoll and earlier harbingers like Jim Bakker are the reminders that all is not well within the multifaceted movement that is American evangelicalism.

When an evangelical icon such as Zacharias can fall so drastically from the evangelical firmament, clearly there are cultural and spiritual dynamics at work that require investigation.

CP has tasked three of our reporters, Michael Gryboski, Leah Marie Klett and Brandon Showalter to investigate the problem and possible causes and solutions with a broad cross section of the evangelical community. There are obvious factors that must be taken into consideration.

The crisis of leadership in American evangelicalism

I want to take a moment to say thank you to all the Pastors around the World

I thank the LORD for having me meet Pastor Alfonso Antillon, pictured above, of Majesty Worship Center He has been such a blessing to me. He has trusted me to speak at his Church and take part in the SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS MEN’S ENCOUNTER, which was held last week. I have been blessed by his angel wife Patricia and his assistant Pastor Ed Solis and his precious wife Darlene. The entire congregation has blessed me and Sharon and the ministry of FGGAM! I am pictured with Pastor Alfonso with the gift he gave me! He made that plaque himself! Handcrafted by Man of God! Amen! I am thankful for this message by Pastor Alfonso:

October is Pastors appreciation month. I want to take a moment to say thank you to all the Pastors around the World. Pastors that are preaching the infallible word of God. I appreciate you all those that I know and those that I don’t know. I want to encourage to all my brothers and sisters in the Lord to pray for your Pastors encourage them, love them. Let them know they are appreciated. Being a shepherd to his flock and delivering the word of God to his congregation is no easy task for man.

Gracious Father, may our pastor’s messages and preaching come to us, not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that our faith might not rest on the wisdom of man, but upon Your power (1 Cor. 2:4-5). Help them never to depend upon there own might or power, but always upon Your Spirit, Lord Almighty (Zech. 4:6). May You, the God of hope, fill our pastor’s with all joy and peace as they trust in you, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13). In Jesus name! Amen

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