Praying in Jesus’ name means following in His footsteps


October 05, 2021

Answered Prayer


John 15:7-11

After Jesus told His disciples to pray in His name, He promised they would receive their requests. Some Christians have taken this as an open-ended guarantee that every petition they make will be answered as long as they end the prayer “in Jesus’ name.” But such thinking only leads to dis- appointment and confusion when they don’t receive what they’ve requested.

Praying in Jesus’ name is also an act of dependence upon God. We don’t always know how to pray as we should. Though our knowledge is limited, God’s is infinite, and He knows every step He’s planned for our lives. When we come to Him in Jesus’ name, we’re trusting Him to answer according to His great wisdom.

Bible in One Year: Matthew 8-10

Freedom - Bookmarks

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