I Love These Billy Graham Quotes!


I just got two books on the life of Billy Graham from my buddy back in Minnesota, Dan Dobson. Dan knows I love the writings of Billy! Billy Graham has been a huge part of my life since 1979 when I was assigned to play his reel to reel program ‘Hour of Decision’ on KGCX Radio in Sidney, Montana on Sundays. Since that first day Billy has fueled my fire for JESUS! Those were the days before automation and satellites. Even our broadcast feeds of the Minnesota Twins was done by phone line. Oh how things have changed! BUT! Not GOD’s WORD and Billy’s messages! I love these quotes! I wanted to share them with you this morning, I pray they inspire you!

Billy Graham Quotes

I encourage to read these books: “Through my Father’s eyes” by Franklin Graham and also the books Dan sent me, “Thank You, Billy Graham” and “Billy Graham God’s Ambassador.” Are you an ambassador for God? Yes, you!

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