Water For The Thirsty Soul… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Water For The Thirsty Soul…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. As you know, I am a faith based writer from the beautiful state of Maine. I attended Author University 101 for the second time some time ago now. The night before the meeting, one of my friends and intercessors from Maine called to tell me that God put on her heart to call me and read my writing on page 20 of Good Morning Beautiful People, Angel’s Prayer of the Day. She did not know I was going out of town, as it was a last minute trip. The writing was about building bridges.

There were people in attendance that did not believe in Christianity. One lady told me her writing would make Jesus mad. Her camera wouldn’t work when she wanted a picture with me. Hmmm…

One writer wrote about cruises. One writer was a tennis professional. I believe he told me he was adopted from South or North Korea. He was an expert on the topic. I so enjoyed meeting everyone and I believed God was answering my prayer that we prayed together, the prayer of Jabez. God was enlarging my territory. As a faith based writer, I could bring my message to the world. Taste and see for yourselves beautiful people, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) Cruise right on through the book of John beautiful people. It’s there you will find water for your thirsty soul. It is a perfect match for all the beautiful people in the world. That beautiful person is you, yes you.

Let’s Pray:

Father, as we cruise life with you today, strengthen us by the power of the Holy Spirit. May our beliefs be strengthened by our faith in you as we sail out into deeper waters.

Father, thank you for making every crooked way straight. Use us today to build bridges. May the world know you love them. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Drink deep with him today. Spend time in his presence and thank him for his water that makes you thirst no more. Amen.

Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (John 4:14)

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