REPORT: New Mexico Sees Influx of Texas Women, Abortionists Up to 19 Women in ONE Day


Thank you Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance for Life for this report and for standing strong for God’s babies!

REPORT: NM Sees Influx of Texas Women, Abortionists
Up to 19 Women in ONE Day
FRIDAY: In the wake of the Texas heartbeat law going into effect last week, both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates agree: New Mexico will see an increase in abortions.
New Mexico Alliance for Life weighed in on KOB TV news: ”abortion clinics in New Mexico are going to see an increase in traffic, unfortunately for unsafe and unregulated abortions,” said NMAFL founder and executive director Elisa Martinez.
Meanwhile Martinez said her organization will continue to advocate actual options for women, other than abortion. “We can address the issues that are driving women to go through an abortion that they don’t really want to go through.”
FACT: Up to 64% of women are coerced by a partner or family member into an unwanted abortion. Abortion is not a “choice” for the majority women who get them.
This is why the pro-life community must continue to offer women in crisis pregnancies support and actual choices (read more below).
REPORT:  Influx of Abortionists, Women From Texas for
Unsafe & Unregulated Abortions
NMAFL has previously reported on the long-standing referral network for unsafe late-term abortions from Texas to NM. In fact, we have found Albuquerque abortion business, Southwestern Women’s Options [SWO] has logged at least 1 death and 18 medical emergencies.
  • This week, our investigative work confirmed a well-known Planned Parenthood Texas abortionist has applied for a medical license in New Mexico.
  • Sidewalk counselors confirm that scandal-ridden 85 year old owner of SWO, Curtis Boyd was seen in scrubs at his Albuquerque location this week. Boyd owns a clinic in Dallas, TX where he resides. Boyd is also being sued by the family of the late Keisha Atkins of Albuquerque, who died during an unsafe, elective late-term abortion at 6 months.
  • Sidewalk counselors report at least 19 women entering the scandal ridden and unsafe abortion center (pictured above) Southwestern Women’s Options yesterday alone.
  • GOOD NEWS: a recent Rasmussen poll shows the MAJORITY of Americans support the Texas heartbeat law: 46% to 43%.
We must work together and support pro-life organizations across the state – including our pro-life pregnancy centers. Pro-life pregnancy centers are funded by pro-life individuals and as a pro-life community, we support women before AND after birth. This includes baby clothes, diapers, medically accurate information, ultrasounds, formula, rent, utilites, financial assistance etc. — before AND after bith for FREE. Find out about your local pro-life pregnancy resource center today!
How will you know if a pregnancy center is pro-life? Answer: if they offer the assistance above – before and after birth. Abortion businesses charge women and do not offer these services.
Stay tuned, NMAFL will be announcing additional ways that you can help!
NMAFL will continue to investigate and monitor the situation as well as help our pro-life partners in combatting the business of unsafe and unregulated abortion in New Mexico.
Please consider partnering with us so we can continue our life-saving mission by making a secure, online donation today or by mail (see below).
Thank you for your support in defending LIFE!
Elisa Martinez
Founder & Executive Director
New Mexico Alliance for Life
Make a secure online donation here or send a gift in the mail to:
New Mexico Alliance for Life
1208 San Pedro Dr NE, #122, Albuquerque, NM 87110.
New Mexico Alliance for Life is a 501-C4 not for profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support!
The New Mexico Alliance for Life is a nonpartisan organization focused on changing state and local laws by empowering women with better and informed choices when facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies and advocating for better protections for women and unborn children from an unsafe abortion industry. For more information visit

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