Rebecca Dow, On Why She is Running for Governor of New Mexico


 I have asked all the candidates that are running for Governor of New Mexico to tell is why they are running. We have heard from Ethel Maharg, and I pray all will respond to my call out to them. I have never met Rebecca Dow, but she has been one of the core Republicans in the Roundhouse standing for Christian values. Here is the message and video Rebecca sent us:

“I’m a proud wife and mother, pro-business job creator, and constitutional conservative fighting for our traditional values in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

My love for New Mexico runs deep, but as a state, we have never experienced more dire conditions than we are currently struggling through right now.

Our children are going uneducated and unequipped for further schooling or jobs at best, and they are literally dying at worst. I refuse to get one more call that a child died from neglect and poor conditions. I will not let one more business suffer under draconian shutdown measures. I refuse to let power-hungry career politicians like our Governor keep dragging us down to the bottom of every list.

I know the people of New Mexico, and I know they deserve much better than this, so I’m stepping up to lead us, for the first time in a long time, in the right direction. It’s time for change.”
Rebecca Dow also sent us this video

Rebecca Dow


Jay Block on why he is running for Governor of New Mexico

Ethel Maharg on why she is running for Governor of New Mexico

The goal on posting the messages from the candidates is so that you get to know them a little bit. It is your duty to do your own  research. Message them through Facebook if you have questions.

FGGAM is on the same page as this organization: My Faith Votes is a “non-partisan movement that motivates, equips and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth.”

My warning once again! Spiritual Warfare is hot and heavy and it is going to get worse! The Church in America needs to wake up and put on the armor of God and go forth carrying out The Great Commission! Wake up Pastors!!!!! This is no Sunday School picnic! Prepare your people! Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

Years ago at the Time to Revive Revival in Asheville, NC it was spoken over me and confirmed by the Lord that I was to be a Watchman on the Wall! That is exactly what the LORD has done with me for the past several years, 24 years now. Everyday the Spiritual condition of the world slips further into hell. Jesus has told us what to do! What are you doing about it? A “Watchman” pastor is one who has committed to watch what goes on in the culture, pray for wisdom to engage the culture and sound the alarm of perceived cultural transgressions from the pulpit. That is what the LORD has commanded me to be!

FROM CHURCHLEADERS!!! I love this media organization!!!! Thank the LORD!!!

One of the big questions U.S. Christians are faced with every November (especially every four years when Americans elect a new president) is: “Should a Christian vote?”

This question has been especially front of mind in the past decade. From Obama to Trump to Biden, voting booths have been flooded with Christians attempting to make a difference with their vote.

ChurchLeaders recently interviewed Paul Isaacs, vice president of national outreach for My Faith Votes, to get his thoughts on why voting as a Christian in America matters. My Faith Votes is a “non-partisan movement that motivates, equips and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth.”

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