I have known Eddie for years. We both worked in radio together! I am so very proud of this young man and his courage to come foreword with his testimony! I know Eddie’s heart and soul!

Edwin Eddie G George is feeling blessed.

I’m putting this out there in hopes of helping you, or helping someone you may know. I struggled for many years with Alcoholism. I am happy to say that today I am 3 MONTHS SOBER on this new journey I decided to take June 1st, 2021! I’m nervous putting this out there, but this is MY TESTIMONY. I was in the darkest place for many years. The darkness is unimaginable. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy. I thought I fell into a place I could never get out of…but I did! All I can say is God is real, and prayers do work!!! I’m a product of that. I am forever grateful for my beautiful family (especially my Mom, I love you Mom❤️), and my close friends who have been with me along the way. Never give up on someone who may have similar struggles. I would have never thought Sobriety could feel so good! Anyhow, I’m blessed and thank you for taking time to read this. Wishing you all a blessed day today ✝️

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