Would Jesus say you are wearing his yoke today?


WOW! This is so very powerful From Dr. Jim Denison!!!! PTL!!!!

“Something very deep and mysterious”

Henri Nouwen observed, “Something very deep and mysterious, very holy and sacred, is taking place in our lives right where we are, and the more attentive we become, the more we will begin to see and hear it. The more our spiritual sensitivities come to the surface of our daily lives, the more we will discover—uncover—a new presence in our lives.”

In Matthew 11, Jesus invited us to “take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (v. 29). This metaphor illustrates at least seven life principles:

  1. We are to live and work under Jesus’ direct leadership.
  2. Jesus intends our lives to serve him.
  3. We are to serve him above all others.
  4. We are to serve with others (oxen were often yoked with other oxen).
  5. We are to work in the field of his choosing, not ours.
  6. Our work accomplishes a larger purpose than we as “oxen” can know.
  7. Our work is not completed until he says it is.

Would Jesus say you are wearing his yoke today?

If not, why not?


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Dr. Jim Denison is the CVO of Denison Forum

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