Prayer for a Wayward People!



LORD, I thank You that You are the God of second chances, of change, of renewal.  You alone, are the God of revival.  You are not willing that anyone perish, but that people everywhere would repent of sin and be saved through knowledge of Your saving grace.

Please, dear Father, send revival to America.  Draw all Americans to Yourself, for You alone are our only hope!   Display Your Truth to all people—that they may be saved by grace, through faith, and that is not of themselves, but is Your free gift to a repenting humanity.

Help the people of our nation to see that the wages of sin is death, but Your gift to us is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our LORD.

LORD, there are people of power and persuasion in our land who are greedily, and immorally, destroying everything good people have worked and died to establish in Your name.

We have strayed so far from You, we do not even recognize anymore just how holy and just You are!   Forgive us, dear LORD, and save us from ourselves before it is too late.

Intervene in the affairs and values of America; shake us, O God, so that millions, and millions, of men and women, girls and boys, will fear Your name, and behold Your glory, and call upon Your name.    Glorify Your name in all the land . . . revive us again, I pray. . . For Christ’s sake, and in His name, Amen!

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