Are You Looking for Joy in the Wrong Places?


August 07, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.”


A woman lost her house keys. She looked all over the house, and she couldn’t find them. Finally, she looked in her purse and there they were. You know why she didn’t find them before she looked in her purse? She was looking in the wrong place. We can look all over for joy, but we won’t find joy until we find it in the Lord Jesus Christ. Joy is the byproduct of fellowship with God and fellowship with the family of God. Psalm 16:11 says, “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Sin promises joy but it never delivers. We have more entertainment, more amusements, more restaurants, yet more loneliness and depression than ever. Why? Because there’s only true joy in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Have you sought joy in the wrong places?
  • How might you turn from lesser things and seek joy that is found only in Jesus?


Today, use time you would usually spend for leisure or entertainment for prayer or study, seeking joy in the Lord.

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